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[Voltron group chat]

Lancey: guys

Lancey: folks

Pidgeon: what's up

Lancey: I think something happened to Keith

Spacedad: what do you mean?

Lancey sent 2 screenshots

Honks: he's been acting really weirdly

Spacemom: I bet it's that motherfucker

Spacedad: language

Pidgeon: I'm going to your house, expect me to beat the shit out of someone


Pidge walked to Keith and Shiro's house, it was starting to get dark outside. She could see their house in the distance, she got to the door and opened it quickly. She was furious and tired of that asshole, Lotor.

"I swear if he hurt my best friend" she mumbled to herself, Shiro was out of the house that night, which explains why he didn't see anything.

She opened Keith's door and barged in, no one was there. She began to panic and look around.

Maybe they're at Lotor's?

She got out her phone and used her hacking skills to track Lotor's phone. She could see the address he was at and got out of the house as quickly as she came in.

She walked even faster then her legs could handle, but that wasn't gonna stop her. She ended up in front of a giant home. It had probably 3 stories and a lot of windows.

She didn't bother knocking, she went in and searched the whole house, starting with the living room and the kitchen.

Damn this place was huge, it took her 20 minutes to finally arrive tot he second story. She opened the last door at the end of the hallway slowly, for sure they would be in there.

She looked through the small crack and saw Keith, he was sitting on the bed with his knees to his chest. He looked calm but not completely fine. He had a normal look on his face but clearly had been crying.

"Excuse me, what are you doing in my home?" A deep voice with a British accent came from behind Pidge. She turned around slowly and looked up.

Dang he's tall as shit

"I'm looking for Keith" she responded calmly.

"Well clearly you found him, so you may leave" he said as calm as Pidge. She furrowed her eyebrows and went in the room.

"No" she replied, Pidge went towards the bed and sat on it next to Keith.
"Hey Keith, are you ok?" She asked, Keith looked at her and smiled.

"Yeah of course" he answered.

"Wha-" Pidge was cut by Keith

"Pidge, Lotor is the best boyfriend I've ever had. We cuddle and watch movies, we go out, it's perfect. Stop worrying" he smiled and let got of his knees, when he did, Pidge was not happy.

"Is that a bruise?!" She shouted, she looked up at Keith and then Lotor with fire in her eyes.

"Yeah, I just hit myself on my desk, it's nothing" he replied, pointing towards Lotor's desk. Pidge wasn't convinced but she sighed sharply.

"I want you to tell me if you're ever in danger, but not directly. Text me the robot emoji" she whispered in his ear, he nodded and chuckled lightly so Lotor didn't think it was a secret. She got up and glared at Lotor at she left.

[Voltorn Group chat]

Pidgeon deleted Mr.Galra from the group chat

Pidgeon: he's ok, I think but I gave him a code, if he's ever in danger he's just gotta text us the robot emoji

Pidgeon: so if Keith sends you this 🤖 he's in danger

Lance: got it

Spacedad: that's a really good idea Pidge, thank you

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