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Pidgeon: hello

Keiths: why are you awake? It's 4am

Pidgeon: couldn't sleep

Keith's: same :/

Pidgeon: wanna go on a private chat?

Keith's: sure

[Private chat between Pidgeon and Keith's]

Pidgeon: why can't you sleep?

Keith's: Keith

Pidgeon: ??

Keith's: he's been acting weird

Pidgeon: what do you mean?

Keith's: I think he's been ignoring me?

Pidgeon: why would he do that?

Keith's: I kinda mentioned one day I'd wanna get married?...

Pidgeon: oh god

Keith's: I fucked up?

Pidgeon: yes... Keith's kinda afraid of long term commitment

Keith's: shit

Pidgeon: you should talk to him

Keith's: thanks :))

Pidgeon: no problem <3

[Private chat between Keith's and Keef]

Keith's: hey Keith, you probably won't read this until the morning but I think we need to talk?

Keith's: I talked to Pidge and she said you were afraid of commitment?

Keith's: idk, I probably freaked you out when I mentioned marriage. I'm sorry if I did, hope you can forgive me :)

Keith's: I love you
Read 4:24

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