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Keith was pathetic. He was a crying mess and he couldn't stop thinking about Lance. What went wrong? He thought about that night when they had a picnic, or that time they pulled an all nighter, or that day they spent playing video games, or that night they made out for hours.
What happened? He couldn't even think of texting or talking to Lance, it was too hard.

Shiro decided to call Lance's mother and ask what was wrong.

"Hello?" His mother said through the phone.

"Hello, is Lance home?"

"Yes, who's asking?"


"Ok, hold on a minute" she said. He heard talking faintly and Lance picked up the phone.


"Yeah. I wanna know what's going on? Why did you suddenly break up with Keith?"

"I- I'm sorry, it's just that he's a bad influence and I can't be with him anymore" his voice cracked in the end.

"I know that's not it, tell me the truth"

"It's just that my family always gives me comments about how he's a bad person and he doesn't have a life and stuff" he started crying and sobbing "and I thought maybe If I broke up with him they'd stop. But they just said stuff like 'I'm glad you broke up with him' things like that"

"I think you should get back together, he's really sad and I know you love each other. All you can do about your family is not give a fuck"
Shiro said.

"Thanks, Shiro"

"No problem, now go get you man!" He said before hanging up.

[Private chat between Keith's and Keef]

Keith's: Keith

Keef: whasth

Keith's: I'm sorry, I acted like a dumbass. I wanna get back together. The thing is my family kept saying how you were a bad guy and I thought If I stopped dating you, they'd stop. But it only got worse. They just said they were glad I broke up with you

Keef: oh, I'm sorry.

Keith's: So, will you be my boyfriend?

Keef: take me on a date first! Ugh boys

Keith's: how about stargazing?

Keef: ok. Tuesday at my place

Keith's: I love you <3

Keef: I love you too <3

[Voltron group chat]

Keef: omg a guys just asked me on a date!!!!

Pidgeon: what did you say?

Keef: yes, obviously

Pidgeon: what about Lance?

Keef: oh that guy?

Keef: he's the one to ask me on a date!

Honks: pqfjeoenx

Pidgeon: goshhhh

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