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[Private group chat between Lance and Keef]

Lance: are you doing better?

Keef: sure

Lance: it's been a week, talk to me

Lance: please

Keef: you only bring negativity in my life

Lance: I know. I'm sorry

Keef: sorry isn't enough

Lance: I miss you, Keith

Keef: stop

Lance: I miss my best friend

Keef: stop it

Lance: I miss laughing about some dumb meme with you

Keef: you're just making this worse

Lance: please Keith, I need you

Keef: no you don't.

Lance: I do, I need you in my life

Keef: you didn't need me a week ago

Lance: Keith, I miss my boyfriend

Keef: shut the fuck up.


Keith threw his phone against the wall and brought his knees to his chest. Why did he need to say stuff like that? He's only making it worse.

"Keith, are you ok?" Shiro asked, Keith looked up and stared at Shiro for a few seconds.

"It's Lance again"

"Maybe you should talk to him, I know you still love him" Shiro stated, he sat on the corner of Keith's bed.

"He's just making me feel worse." Keith added.

"Text him and tell him everything you feel, even the bad" Shiro suggested, Keith nodded and smiled as Shiro left his room.

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