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T/W: abuse, mention of rape

"Keith, I'm back" Lotor said from downstairs. Keith quickly wiped away his tears and went down the stairs, he went to his boyfriend and hugged him.
"Did you talk to any of your old friends?" He asked, Keith looked down and nodded slowly.

"What did I tell you?" Lotor asked, Keith looked away and Lotor firmly grabbed his wrist.

"Please, no" Keith begged, tears wanting to come out.

Lotor brought him to the guest room and threw him against the wall, he slapped his cheek before punching it. He kept hitting his face repeatedly, Keith fell on the floor, crying and Lotor kicked him before grabbing his jaw. He brought Keith's face to his and whispered in his ear.

"You stay here"

He left the room and locked the door before going back to his daily back-from-the-store routine.

Keith was left on the floor a mess. He was curled in a ball and smiled softly .

It's all gonna be worth it when he lets me out

He didn't have his phone, food or water, he was alone with his thoughts in this huge room. He searched for something to entertain him and looked through every drawer in the room. He only found handcuffs- the usual, and a few pamphlets for random companies.

He sat on the bed and thought about his conversation with Lance. He'd forgotten what a normal relationship was like, in the start, with Lotor it was a nice. They cuddled and watched movies, went on dates and they were normal boyfriends. But he slowly stopped him from talking to his friends and family, when Keith did, he was punished. Sometimes it was just taking his phone, others it was leaving him in the guest bedroom, sometimes he would beat him but in the worst cases or when Lotor was angry he did all of them. Some days. Lotor would just use Keith as a punching bag, he would hurt him just because. And when Lotor was horny, don't think he asked for permission. Once, Lotor even brought his friend over, it wasn't a fun evening.

Keith didn't like the punishments but the rewards were worth it, when Keith acted as he was told, he would get rewards. It could be a movie night or getting his phone back, sometimes Lotor brought him to the movies or a restaurant. The punishments were all worth it in the end, that's why Keith never tried to leave or get help, the rewards were nice.

Lotor kept him from taking his
anti-depressants but he was happier that way. It was all for the best.

Sure, he missed his old friends but Lotor was worth it. He had a good boyfriend. He missed Shiro and Pidge the most, Shiro is basically his brother and Pidge is his best friend. But Lotor was worth it.

It was all better now.

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