𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎

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Jaemin tugged the two boys into the entrance of an alleyway. The darkness shrouding the abyss-like area ahead was a little on the creepy side, yet it didn't really matter in that moment. As cliché as it sounded, they truly felt as though they could face anything after that fiasco only minutes prior where their teamwork shone through.

"Oh my god, Baby, I saw red back there. Literal red," Jaemin breathed heavily after the lengthly run and pulled Renjun closer to inspect the nasty finger marks coming up along his neck. "I-I went away to give you guys space, but then that happened, and-"


"-My heart stopped. I was gonna' step in sooner, but Jeno looked all sexy when he grabbed that glass and smashed it over his head, so I assumed it was going okay, so-"

"Nana!" The oldest interrupted, bringing his hands up to lace through his blue hair and sit there. "It's okay..." His voice was weak for a number of reasons, such as the crying he still couldn't quite give up, his palpitating heart and the adrenaline rushing through his hyperactive body. "You were amazing back there."

Jeno hummed from against the wall near them where he was catching his breath. "It was like falling in love all over again for our knight."

Their panting started changing into giggles as they recalled the events again and again, the details morphing here and there from foggy memory. Though as soon as they all collapsed into each other's arms, their laughter became wracked sobbing and their bodies slowly descended to the ground where they latched onto one another desperately.

"I-I thought I was gonna' die back there," Renjun wailed, diamond tears rolling down his pink cheeks without a barricade and landing on Jaemin's hand which was cupping his cheek.

"I've never been so terrified before in my life," Jeno added, words wavering as he hiccuped and bawled. "M-My hands were shaking so bad."

"My boys are so strong," Jaemin squished them into his embrace further, uncaring of the clear liquid creating damp spots along his shirt. "I won't leave you alone again. I'm so sorry."

They exchanged short kisses as promises to never forget what happened tonight. The experience had been traumatic, but it gave each of them hope for their future together that had seemed to uncertain before.

After calming down a bit, Renjun's phone started to sing and vibrate in his pocket. The realisation that he had left his jacket back at the disco irritated him, though he shoved the thought to the back of his mind as he picked up.

"Hello? Lele?"

"Can I just say how awesome you guys looked earlier. Everyone is still talking about it here, possibly because the dude that attacked you is pleading innocent."

"Yeah, hi to you too. And what do you mean 'innocent'? Does anyone believe his horseshit?"

"Obviously not. Anyway, how are you? I didn't see what was happening until everyone started parting way for your escape. What happened before Jeno smashed the glass? I heard you were assaulted?"

"Yeah, that's about the ins and outs of it. Listen, Chenle, I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, okay? I'm wrecked, I'm with them now, and I can barely feel my throat."

"I'll ask you for the gory details tomorrow, then," the younger almost audibly wriggled his eyebrows. "I have your jacket here, by the way. Oh, and use protection."


"Love ya, cousin," he blew a cheeky kiss over the line before hanging up. The monotonous beeps that followed were like a big fat 'sucker' to Renjun as he thought over his relative's stupid comment.

"Junnie, you must be cold," Jaemin pointed out once his phone was away in his pocket again. "Let's go home."

"Um...." Jeno spoke up nervously as they stood and started their walk out of the sketchy area. "C-Can I stay with one of you tonight? My brother and Hyuck will probably chew my ear off with questions, and I'm not really in the mood to recite..."

"Actually," the youngest hummed while leading the way, following the full moon resting above the city high-rises. "I was going ask if you both wanted to stay over. We actually haven't had a proper sleepover yet, or whatever couples call it."

"Oh, I almost didn't notice," Renjun chuckled absentmindedly while wiping his eyes to rid himself of the remaining shock. "I'm always at your house."

"I wish I lived closer to you both," the second oldest muttered dejectedly, earning an arm over the shoulder as his youngest boyfriend kissed his cheek.

"It won't matter in the long run. We'll be having you over so often, you'll be sick of us."

"You'll like my room," Renjun grinned enthusiastically. "I'm usually quite organised, so it won't be too hard on your nerves."

Jeno slowed his pace down as he stared at the ground and thought through exactly what the other had said. He flicked his gaze up to eye the Chinese boy with a little fear. Does he know about it? The OCD? God, I should've told them both long ago...It's time to stop cowering out of it.

"By the way," Jaemin added as they veered onto a street that held a lot of civilisation, "Tonight....Tonight I'm going to tell Mum about you both, okay? She won't be mad, obviously....I just think this is serious enough to tell her."

Renjun connected his arm with the taller's and gave him a supportive nod. "I can't believe after all these years of calling her 'Mum', she'll actually be like my mum now."

Jeno envisioned the woman he had vaguely greeted the night Jaemin had brought him over for sex. She seemed lovely from first meeting, which was really a relief.

"She'll like you," Renjun spoke over his shoulder at the ravenette. "Don't worry."

"I'm not worried. I'm excited, actually."

"Really? Me too."

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Mature content coming up in the next chapter, guys. The book is a hair's breadth from being finished, only a little bit more to go~
Love you all!

𝗮 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂; norenmin Where stories live. Discover now