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"I really am crazy," Renjun whispered to himself as he gazed longingly towards his raven haired crush. Jeno was still seated at his table alone, leaning against his palm as he read over the letter the Chinese boy had written. Of course, the younger hadn't a clue as to whom was so madly in love with him, but it was nice to see him at least read the notes.

Renjun peeped his head around the classroom door, watching fondly from afar, as usual. He no longer held any remorse for acting a little creepy. The brunette never meant harm, never stepped out of line, and respected personal space.

Until tomorrow, he thought as he watched Jeno tuck the letter away in his journal. Clearly he had too much decency and respect to simply throw the anonymous love confession away.

As Renjun wandered back down the hallway with an elated smile, he brushed past numerous students who were getting ready to go home at their lockers. The Chinese boy noticed that the mysterious black haired teen liked to hang back after school ended, for some unknown reason. He never delved further into figuring out why, all because he knew better than to act like a total stalker.

"Oi! Renjunnie?!" The loud voice of Jaemin yelled throughout the corridor, succeeding in capturing his friend's attention.

"What have I told you about being so noisy?!" Renjun hissed, pulling the younger closer by his ear, "And using my name while you're at it? Big 'no'."

The pinkette couldn't help but giggle, prying the older's fingers off him, and standing straight again. "You took ages to come back from class. What was the hold up?"

Obviously not having the nerve to flat out admit it, the brunette twisted the truth slightly. "I had to visit it a student. They needed a note from a teacher."

Earning a curt nod of approval and a thumbs up, Renjun was in the clear yet again. He felt terrible consistently lying to his best friend. He knew Jaemin never kept anything from him, so it layered the guilt on extra thick. If he knew I left letters on the quiet kid's desk, he'd die of laughter....

Someone shoved past the pair, forcing Renjun into Jaemin's hold and eliciting all sorts of nasty profanities from both.

"Asshole!" The older flipped the boy off, "Watch where you're going!"

"How about you stop taking up space in the halls, Midget?!" The other snapped, eventually disappearing into the current and leaving both teens seething.

"What a shithead," Jaemin sighed, not really letting go of the shorter male as his eyes attempted to follow the rude student.

Renjun glanced up at him with a short sigh and tried worm out of his grip, stepping back and taking a breath of relief. "Since when did you get so strong? Huh? What's with the muscles?"

Jaemin wriggled his eyebrows suggestively and playfully flexed, "I've been body-conscious for years, Junnie. You're so oblivious."

"Oblivious? Oblivious? Young man, I am not oblivious. I'll have you know that my senses are sharp and my mind is always active! It's you who constantly...." His voice trailed out into white noise as the younger listened with content. His eyes roamed over the Chinese boy he had known for so long, recognising every part of him.

Jaemin was so damn whipped, it was almost depressing. His emotions wouldn't dull or calm down for even an instant, and it led to so much more heartbreak and sadness than joy. Somewhere inside, the pinkette had to wonder if the shorter liked someone else, or even felt the same. They were relevant questions that the playful yet shy teen couldn't bring himself to ask.

"Yoohoo! Not the right time to visit Lalaland, you dumbass!" The brunette snapped him back to reality, the sound of many shoes against the scuffed floor helping him stay grounded. 

Renjun was sporting this confused, slightly worried, though more so grumpy expression. He was leaned forward to gain an inch he didn't have, and waving his hand in the other's face frantically.

"Oh, sorry...."

"Don't give me that shit, Jaem. I'm getting extremely concerned lately since you don't seem to be sleeping right. Even your parents have said you're wearing yourself out."

It's all for you, the taller so desperately wished to admit, but he knew better than that. He was stronger than that. Keeping his little friend happy was enough for him. "I promise you, I'm fine. I've just been getting a lot of work lately."

"What?!" Renjun hissed, "But you told me you were free this whole time! You even said the teachers were being lenient on your class!"

As the pinkette scrambled to climb from the hole he had metaphorically dug himelf, a small sweat started to build up around his hands as he hid them behind his back. The sheer heat of the day was already screwing his brain over, so he didn't need this as well. "N-No, it's fifty-fifty, you see," he tried, tilting his head worriedly. "Some days it's tough, others it's easy...."

"Nana....why are you lying to me right now?"

"I'm not!"

"Seriously? I know your behaviour patterns like my own reflection! Your hands are hidden, you've tilted your head, and you can't look me in the eye while stuttering. Get a grip! Tell me what the hell is up?"

He's too clever, Jaemin thought somewhat bitterly. He loved that beautiful side to the male, how his mind worked so fast. Though for an ordinary thinker like himself, it could wind him up in trouble some days.


"God, Renjun. I'm totally fine, okay? Stop...stop trying to control everything!" He snapped unintentionally, his own ability to defend himself being so weak that this was all he could do. "I-I'm going to the bathroom."

Renjun watched with shock as the younger brushed past him to get to the red door with a metal sign on it. The symbol was pretty old and worn, though it was still clearly a boy.

He...he just yelled at me? The brunette thought in a little distress. Jaemin never yells at me! What the hell?!

His eyes trailed over to none other than Jeno, who emerged from the classroom once the noise died down, and sauntered towards the bathrooms as well. His head was hung low, though Renjun could still catch a glimpse of his handsome face.

Why am I such a terrible friend? He wondered.

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𝗮 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂; norenmin Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora