𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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Jaemin promptly threw the infirmary door open, carrying Renjun inside with Jeno tagging along. The trio noticed the woman was giving medical advice to another student on one of the beds, so they occupied a free one instead and waited.

Renjun was set upon the scratchy mattress, pinching the bridge of his nose and gagging on the clots that travelled to his throat. Jeno, lightheaded enough as it was, stepped away and went to get some more tissues to avoid looking at the stomach churning scene.

The oldest whimpered, the numbness from the hit disappearing and leaving the raw pain to settle. Jaemin gently crouched down in front of him, tucking his hair away from his bloodstained face and rubbing soothing circles onto the backs of Renjun's hands with his own.

"Thanks, Jaem," the shorter croaked, coughing once again and causing crimson droplets to splatter against his best friend's cheek. The younger didn't care at all though, totally ignoring the mess and only seeing his gorgeous crush in need of help.

"Anytime, Junnie. Want me to get you something? Water?"

"Mmm. I need a drink," he agreed, though glanced at the occupied nurse and winced. "Maybe wait until she's finished with me, though."

"Of course."

Jeno meekly returned with a bundle of tissue and an apprehensive expression. Really, he had seen the pair having 'a moment' and wasn't entirely sure if his third wheeling was dampening what Jaemin would consider 'a chance'. He wanted him, yes, but wasn't willing to rip away happiness to obtain the blue haired teen.

"C'mon, Jen," the youngest cooed, pulling him to sit on the bed by his crush so that he could see them together. "Now I can protect you both, heh. Come to think of it, you've never interacted, have you?"

Jeno awkwardly side-glanced Renjun who's cheeks were a flaming red. Jaemin continued regardless, proceeding to introduce them as though they were strangers.

As though Renjun hadn't been in love with him for years and Jeno hadn't been listening to Jaemin's undying confessions for twelve months.

"This is Huang Renjun," the bluette chirped, poking the Chinese boy's cheek and earning a gentle ankle nudge. "The guy I told you about?"

The ravenette gulped, nodding in understanding and playing along since it seemed to be what Renjun was doing. "O-Oh...."

"This is Jeno," Jaemin then booped his nose since touching was still relatively new for them. "I've been talking to this introvert for a year now, and he's not as bad as everyone says. He's a legend, hm?"

Renjun furrowed his brows and bit the wall of his cheek a little angrily. How had Na Jaemin managed to talk to this person for all this time, and he himself couldn't even muster a 'hello' until recently? It felt like a major stab to the gut, and he hated that.

"Nice to meet you....." Jeno whispered, the desire to be swallowed by the earth and rot in a hole all too apparent by his tone.

"You too," the oldest sighed, his nose bleed seemingly easing off as the nurse finally ended her conversation and wandered over.

"Hello boys, what have we here? A nose bleed?" She enquired with a smile.

"It's pretty bad," Jaemin explained, holding Renjun's hand away and wincing at the sight of the blood gushing feee again. Obviously it hadn't actually gotten any better.

"Oh dear, it could well be broken," she muttered in thought, tilting the patient's head to view it and grabbing more tissue from Jeno to hold against it. "That's a lot of blood, young man. Are you feeling light-headed?"


"I'd say so. Did you hear a crack or crunch noise when whatever it is that hit you, hit you?"

"I can't remember....." the brunette mumbled, choking out more blood and starting to struggle breathing as the warm liquid started to dry and stick to the inside of his throat.

"Alright, can you," the woman pointed to Jeno, "Go and get some water? He's going to need to wash it all down. And you," she then motioned to an eager Jaemin, "Go get a basin and cloth. We need to wash his face so I can inspect the damage."

"Gotcha," he responded quickly, rising with Jeno and parting ways as they both took on their given tasks. Jaemin nipped into the supply closet right outside the office, pulling out a filthy plastic bucket and a freshly folded cloth. He then jogged towards the bathroom behind Jeno, catching up as both entered.

"This water is fine, isn't it?" The older asked, filling a glass with cool, clear liquid.

"Yeah, that's okay," the bluette waved it off, standing by the sink next to him and rinsing out the basin.

As the younger focused on what he was doing, Jeno glanced up at the mirrors and watched his love's reflection. God, he's so beautiful, he thought, completely over his previous anxieties from when they started out. Each day Jaemin had come to see him chipped away at his issue, until the boy ended up much like Donghyuck. Someone he could comfortably look at.

"What do you think of him?" The younger quietly questioned, waiting for the tub to fill with water. "Renjun, I mean."

Jeno was caught of guard, knocking the glass he was holding over and cursing when the liquid spilled out into the sink and some on the floor. "Um.....he's nice?"

"You think so? I mean, I've been talking to you about him for ages, y'know? I'm glad you've met him now....."

Oh Jaemin, the older released a short breath to prevent himself from ranting, I want to tell you so bad what's going on here. You love him, he loves me and I love you...... "Have you ever......uh...."

"Go on."

"Well.....Have you ever liked anyone else? Someone who isn't Renjun and still makes you feel that way?"

Jaemin stopped the tap, pulling the basin up into his arms and dropping the cloth in. He paused for a minute, cocking his head to the side and looking up into the mirror as well to view their speaking reflections. "No. He's my first and only so far."


That was the sound of yet another tear ripping right through the centre of the other's heart. Any piece of hope he wished to achieve was always ripped away, leaving him emotional and upset.

Love shouldn't have treated people this way, yet here were three boys; bound and beaten.

What if I told you I liked you right now? Jeno wondered, taking the refilled glass into both hands carefully, and following Jaemin out.

I wonder what you'd do....

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𝗮 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂; norenmin Where stories live. Discover now