The Weakness

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Hope's pov

My back rested firmly on the mattress below me. The blanket around me wrapped loosely around my waist and shoulders. I turned to my side, feeling the cool side of the pillow on my face as I did so. I opened my eyes and scrunched my blanket in my hands in frustration

I could hear Uraraka's soft snores and mumbles in her sleep. She fell alseep so quickly that it suprised me. Me on the other hand, was having a hard time doing just that.

Normally I was a light sleeper, I always had to be on my toes with my family. So my body got used to not sleeping when I was on edge.

I had been laying in bed for hours tossing and turning trying to fall asleep and I couldn't. Although, I was extremely tired. It felt like it was very early in the morning and I almost didn't even want to keep trying to fall asleep due to the fact that the sun would be coming up soon.

It was almost like my body was warning me of something. I just wondered what it could have been.

I closed my eyes once again and let out a deep sigh, tryin to relax my body to get atleast a few hours of sleep before I would be forced to wake up.

Suddenly, I heard the door creek open. I immediately calmed myself, it must have been Uraraka getting up to get some water or fresh air.

My heart dropped when I heard Urararka's soft snores.

Then who was in our room?

I had closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I let my left eye peek at the assailant in our room.

It was one of the pussy cats, but what was she doing?

She looked at Uraraka and then me. I closed my eye quickly until I felt her gaze was gone. I heard movement and opened my eye again slowly.

She was by our trash can, standing over it. She pulled out some kind of fabric along with a lighter. I watched as she lit the fabric on fire and threw it in the trash can.

My eyes widended and I sat up quickly. She still hadn't noticed me, instead she was looking between a watch on her wrist and the trash can, tapping her foot impatiently.

The room started to get smoky fast. It must have been the fabric she used. The smoke was easy to see through but made my eyes water slightly.

She snickered and picked up the trashcan, throwing the burning insides on the ground and stomping on it with her foot.

It comforted me that she wasn't actually trying to burn us in our room but I still didn't understand why she would sneak into our room just to create smoke.

She turned around after successfully putting out the fire. A sneaky smile was across her face until her eyes meet mine. She jumped back in surprise and looked like she was going to ask me something but Uraraka's soft groaning stopped her.

She looked up at the girl who was waking up and then back at me. She shook her head and ran out of the room, closing the door harshy behind her making Uraraka wake up fully.

I didn't even have time to think about the situation, let alone address it, before I saw Uraraka rubbing her eyes on her bed.

"Hope do you smell..." Uraraka stopped as she fully opened her eyes.

Without any words shared, Uraraka grabbed my hand and ran out of the room forcing me to follow.

She took me outside, the front door squeaking by how fast she had opened it. We were meet by the rest of our classmates. It looked like we were the last ones out.

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