The Carnival

966 35 15

Hope's pov
(One week later)

I yawned and shuffled my tired feet, trying to keep up with my fellow students ahead of me. The U.A. dorm building was straight ahead of us and I could almost taste the relaxation.

All last week my classmates and I did back to back training, trying to conquer or subside our weaknesses. We all actually did very well. I can tell everyone, including myself, are happy we got invited to do such a thing. Now my quirk won't start when I simply get happy or scared, but it still will act up if my emotions get to off the rail.

Even though we all gained some crucial information about our quirks, we were all still extremely exhausted and we just wanted to watch t.v and lay down.

Even Eri was tired, she had spent the entire week trying to keep up with Kota which proved to be a little harder than it looked.

We all walked into the dorm building, ready to slouch on the couches and take some naps when we saw a few people already sitting down comfortably on the said couches.

Mirio was there along with a girl with light purple hair and a boy with dark blue hair.

The girl was jumping up in her seat, she looked to be really excited about something. Her hair was bouncing up and down and a happy smile was imprinted on her face. She reminded me of me which made me giggle.

The boy on the other hand was the polar opposite. He was shrunken in his seat and his lips quivered. He wasn't looking at any of us and he actually looked scared in a way. His demeanour was interesting, it made me want get to know him a little more.

The two of them looked to be the same age at Mirio so they must have been upperclassmen.

The three turned there attention to all of us as we all stared tiredly at them.

They stood up and walked towards us.

"Welcome back everyone!!" The girl said, giving my classmates hugs until she stopped at me

I gave her a sincere smile.

"Hope" I said softly. I was so tired that I couldn't even give her a proper introduction but it seemed like she understood. She grabbed my shoulders softly and pulled me into a hug.

"Nejire" she whispered in my ear and pulled back from the hug with a smile.

The other new face walked up to me, im assuming after realising that I was new. He had his hands in his pockets and he wasn't making eye contact with me

"I'm Tamaki.." He said quietly, his bottom lip started to shiver again and I smiled sweety at him

"Im Hope" I reached my hand out to him and he flinched before slowly putting his hand out a grabbing mine. His hand was soft and his grip was loose, almost like he wasn't even trying to hold onto the handshake.

I dropped his hand when I noticed his awkward expression and he stepped back quickly, joining Nejire by her side as his head still tilted down.

Eri ran past the two and into the arms of Mirio who happily accepted her.

"I made a friend my age!" Eri said happily.

I smiled at her and remembered her short lived friendship

"Who is the lucky lady?" Mirio asked and I could see my classmates start to snort and laugh.

"His name is Kota!"

Mirio gained a surprised expression. He then looked between my classmates and I

"She made a boyfriend Mirio what's wrong?" Sero asked teasingly.

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