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Hello, you! I just want to give a small warning about this book.

Currently I am 17 years old and I wrote this book when I was 12.
It's been five years and I'd like to happily announce that I've grown a lot as a writer. And as I'm come back to re-read this book, I've realized...

...well, honestly it's pretty shit; I won't lie.
It's awkward, full of stereotypical y/n situations, boring at parts, not descriptive enough at others, and tries WAY to hard to be funny.

It's not the worst book in the world, I will give my 12 year old self credit, but I wouldn't expect much.
I'm sure if you're close to the age I was when I wrote this you might enjoy it, but if you're looking for a LEGITIMATELY good book to read you might want to look elsewhere.

...or you can always check the newer stories on my profile cough cough

Alright that's it! Thanks for reading, lovelies! Hope you enjoy:)

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