The Five

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(This is a long one so get comfortable)

3rd person pov

Hope meandered around the outlines of the training grounds watching the students with the most non aggressive quirks train.

Skipping past the people that she wasn't all too familiar with, her eyes landed on the black haired girl who had offered to make her a skirt just a few hours earlier

She watched as Momo ate small pastrys and made small miscellaneous items at the same time. Walking in a bit closer, Momo noticed the small girl and gave her an inviting small.

"Mind helping me for a second?" The taller girl asked

Hope's eyes wrinkled as she smiled, nodded and walked out to the girl.

With the two standing so close to each other, their height difference could be obviously noted, along with their body types.

"I need to work on my model sizes" Momo explained

Hope simply nodded, still unsure on how she could help

"So, can I use you to practice my product sizes?"

The black haired girl smiled, asking for permission. She looked down at the smaller girl with such excitement and Hope hated to ruin it for her but she was still confused

"Sure...but what exactly do you-" The grey eyed girl asked

Hope was cut off by a tight embrace by Momo.

Momo's arms wrapped tightly around her shoulders and she quickly swayed side to side, almost lifting hope of the ground but definitely making her dizzy

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you" Momo backed up and squished Hope's cheeks with her two hands.

"Our wehcom"

Hope struggled out to say "you're welcome" due to the pure force of her cheeks being squeezed together.

The black haired girl, seeing this, stepped back and dusted off her hands on her skirt. A light rose dusting her cheeks from embarrassment.

"Well since you're so keen on your outfit choice it seems that ill have to work around that" the tall girl put her hand to her chin, rubbing slightly.

Her hand suddenly moved in front of her as she snap her fingers, a light bulb of realization going off.

"We'll just focus on accessories!"

Hope sweat dropped


~Tiny wittle time skip~

In less than 10 minutes, Momo could be seen panting from exhaustion as she stared at her creation in front of her.

"Okay I may have went a little overboard..."

In front of the black haired girl stood Hope. Her eyes were shadowed due to the sheer amount of hats she had piled on top of each other. Some fitting perfectly on top of one another while others flopped or simply fell off due to them either being too loose or too tight

The girl had on multiple face masks, some fashion some medical (not sponsored by corona)

Her once small hands looked bloated with multiple gloves, being made from what seemed to be very thick wool.

A thin silver necklace draped across her neck, reaching a little past her collar bone

"Momo! Come on, again ribbit?"

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