The Teacher

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Hope's pov

"For the last time guys, I'm fine" I said, slowly walking to the couch in the common room to sit down.

After the talk with my new friend group, they left the infirmary to attend the rest of their classes and I stayed and took a nap. Once school was over I felt good enough to walk and managed to convince my classmates to let me walk on my own two feet back to the dorms, but that didn't stop them all from escorting me and watching me the whole way back.

I flopped onto the couch, groaning at the sudden movement I just had made before turning on my side, ready to fall asleep. My head snuggled into both of my arms and I could hear my classmates start to settle and get comfy around me as well

"How long until I can go back to school?" I asked, yawning.

I pinched my cheeks slowly, as to wake me up a bit so I wouldn't fall asleep in the middle of someone talking to me.

"I believe recovery girl said two days" i could hear Todoroki's voice in the distance, it sounded like he was heading to his room. I groaned in response and turned on my back, now being able to see the activity around me.

I couldnt fall asleep on the couch again, last night was fine because everyone was already asleep but now everyone is up and meandering around. I'd just be in the way.

I wiggled my hips slightly as I tried to get my exhausted body to move in the direction I wanted. I could hear the t.v turn on and looked to my left to see Deku fumbling with the remote.

I stared at the boy while he looked for a channel to watch. A smile grew on my face without my knowledge


I made a mouth noise to get his attention but he was still focused on the screen in front of him

"PSSHH" I said louder.

I saw him lightly turn his head to me before turning back to the t.v before quickly turning his head back to me, doing a double take. I gave him a toothy grin before tilting my head in a motion to make him come to me.

He placed the remote down on the couch behind him and walked over to me, crouching down to meet eye level.

"Deku im really tired...can you maybe carry me to my room?" I asked sweetly, giving him puppy dog eyes and pouting slightly

I watched his face gain a shade of red and he nodded quickly. I felt his left arm grip under my knees and his right arm hold my back steadily. He stood up slowly and I was in his arms bridal style. I rested my head into his chest just as I did earlier. His heart beat was still fast and I wondered if that was just something his heart always does.

With each step he took I could feel my body slowly drifting away, almost as if he were rocking me to sleep.

"Im so..tired" I mumbled out. I wasn't even sure if I said it out loud or if I was just thinking it until he responded

"Recovery girl used your own energy to heal you. I guess she used a little more than she should have" he replied softly.

I could feel his hand that was under my knees extend and turn slightly then I heard the sound of a door opening.

It felt as if every time I blinked I lost consciousness, as it felt like these events were happening back to back even though that would be impossible. His hands slowly left me and got replaced by a soft fabric.

I blinked and looked up to find him and he was on his way out of the door.

"Izuku" I said

I blinked and now he was in front of me

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