The Replacement

607 28 18

3rd person

It was an ordinary school day like any other, after getting home from the carnival everyone passed out. Hope was especially tired, she had told her classmates that she planned to sleep for three days straight and they all laughed it off.

But when the next day came and everyone was in class except for the grey haired girl, her fellow students were not laughing.

They began to grow worried for the girl. She was only a few minutes late, yes, but she was always early so these turn of events could not have implied anything good.

"Did no one check on her this morning?" Momo asked the class as she impatiently eyed the door.

Arrays of 'no's rang through the classroom. Mr Aizawa, who was standing infront of his class, groaned at the lack of knowledge of his students.

Then the 1-A classroom door opened. Everyone's head turned toward the creaking door. Their worried eyes filled with relief when a familiar head of grey hair popped out happily from the doorway.

She was wearing a big happy grin, her outfit looked freshly ironed and her hair was nicely comb and tucked behind her ears.

She closed the door behind her, still scanning the classroom with the same smile.

Todoroki, Bakugo, Tsu, Momo, and Deku watched the girl. They noticed the different aura she gave off, it was dark and thick and nothing like her normal sweet, light vibe. She didn't look like she just woke up and rushed to school. Infact, she looked like she had been getting ready for hours.

This should have been their first red flag.

She scanned the room, her eyes stopping on the empty seat. She then bowed towards the class, still near the classroom door.

"Please forgive my tardiness~"

As she straightened herself, her eyes caught Deku's. They shared a look for a few seconds before she turned on her heel and made her way towards to empty seat.

The classroom went back to being eerily silent. They weren't as pleased with Hope's appearance as they thought they would have been but what could they do?

It was the same old Hope afterall..

It seemed like everyone was watching the girl. Her legs swung in her chair and her fingers hit the desk in a rythmatic pattern. She looked like the perfect textbook student, ready to learn, and everyone around her found it creepy.

Even Mr. Aizawa stopped to stare at the girl.

She then knocked herself out of her trance and meet the eyes of everyone in the room. She shyly moved a piece of hair behind her ear and looked towards Mr. Aizawa

"Are we not learning anything today, teacher?~" Mr. Aizawa cleared his throat and nodded. He picked up a clip board that rested on the podium in front of him, reading off of it

"The school is starting to look a bit run down so, as a class, we're going to clean and organize the items around the school aswell as the school itself."

The class groaned but nodded nevertheless.

"Is it because our custodians are too fucking lazy?~"

Everyone stopped the complaining immediately, their mouths agape and eyes widened due to the harsh language towards their teacher.

Mr. Aizawa even looked taken back as he stared at the culprit of the nasty language.

His eyes grew fierce and his hair rose above his head

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