The Meeting

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3rd person pov

The young girl walked in between the two hero's know as Eraserhead and All Might. To her knowledge, they were walking to her new classroom to introduce her to her classmates and she could not contain her excitement. A big goofy grin was plastered on her face as All might placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her from walking ahead.

This was the first time she would be around kids her age! This would be the first time she would be able to make friends and she was positive that she had to make a good impression!

The three stopped outside of a classroom door with the label on it reading '1-A'

The young girl was beyond excited and she could here the chatter within the classroom from the door, it took everything she had to not bust into the classroom already. She took her chances while she noticed the men behind her were distracted and looked through the window of the classroom. Her eyes widened as she saw all the students, she could almost make out what each of them were saying and became even more desperate to initiate a conversation with one of them. She looked at all of the interesting hair styles and tried pin pointing what each persons personality was based off of them.

That was when her eyes stopped upon a boy whom had green hair that looked quite fluffy, she was definitely planning on asking to touch it later. The only reason her eyes stopped on him was because she noticed his eyes stopped on her. The two shared eye contact for a couple seconds before she saw his head tilt slightly and raise hand up, giving her a inconspicuous wave along with a small smile.

Her face heated quickly and she reached her hand up to wave back but was interrupted when a hand was placed on her shoulder, moving her away from the window.

The two adults shared a look and nodded slightly before All Might took the girl by the shoulder and held her by the side of the classroom door while Mr Aizawa walked in.

This was when the young girl first noticed the small stack on paper in her teachers hand but she ignored it and waited patiently for her 'go ahead' to go see her new classmates.

As Mr Aizawa walked into the classroom he was greeted with automatic silence, just how he liked it but a few confused faces were singled out in the class. Mr Aizawa was never late, so what was different about today?

He cleared his throat as he made his way to the front of the classroom. His eyes looked between each student and he sighed, looking at the small stack of paper he held before speaking.

"We have a new student"

Mr. Aizawa kept his gaze directed towards the students, reading their expressions. Most were curious but there were, of course, a couple of faces that just didn't care.

"She is to be treated as an extreme threat until you all are told otherwise"

The once bored faces were now interested and the once curious faces were now confused.

"No making her your friend, no being alone together, and no trying to date her. I suggest you all just pretend she isn't here. For your safety." Mr Aizawa finished. His scarf extended and passed out the papers he once had at his side to each of his students.

He watched as their eyes slightly widened, a couple of them smiling and some not even bothering to read it.

A couple 'woah's and 'who is this girl' could be heard from the audience.

"These are the rules, no, they're not... mandatory BUT they're heavily suggested" Mr. Aizawa scowled, he tried his best to convince the principle to not let the students communicate with her but he simply said it was the students own decisions. He was already sensing a public apology coming and he wasn't sure if U.A. could take another scandal like that.

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