The Beach

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3rd person pov

The teenagers all stared at the large house in front of them.

It was a 3 story house with small balconies at the corners of each level. The house itself was gigantic, it almost looked like a commercial building. It rested a few acres from the ocean and was the only house on the beach for miles.

The teenagers all awe'd at the house. Was this really where they were going to be relaxing rent free for a week?

The students had just arrived at the house along with little Eri and their teacher, Mr. Aizawa.

They were all standing as a class and Eri was on Hope's shoulders.

The first one to make a move towards the door was Sero.

He walked confidently towards the building with a goofy smile on his face. The rest of the students wanted to wait a few seconds to make sure everything was alright so they watched Sero, not moving from their positions.

Todoroki and Momo had confusion laced around their expressions. They were not sure that this 'vacation' was an actual vacation. It simply wasn't something that Mr. Aizawa normally offered and it didn't make since to the two.

The rest of the class had large happy smiles on their faces, waiting for Sero to get a little closer to the door of the building before running in themselves

Sero was close enough to the door to be able to touch the door knob. His classmates took one step forward instinctively, thinking that everything was going to be alright until they heard a large explosion.

Before anyone could register, the door to the beach house busted open and Sero blasted back, landing on his butt in front of his class who all stopped in their tracks.

Todoroki and Momo nodded to themselves as they, along with their classmates, watched the large amount of smoke that was created by the small explosion disappear.

Beyond the smoke, four figures appeared in strange poses

"Rock on with these sparkling gazes!"
A feminine voice sounded.

"We've come to lend a paw and help!!!"
A similar voice said.

Todoroki hummed and Momo rolled her eyes slightly. This was just as they expected

"Coming out of nowhere... Stingingly"
Another expressed.

The rest of the students stood on their toes along with Sero. They all watched, curiosity peeking their interests as they looked through the smoke.

"cute and catlike!"
A deep masculine voice stated
The students all started to gain a look of understanding, besides Hope and Eri who still looked confused.

"Wild, Wild Pussycats!!!"
The smoke finally cleared and the four figures were now apparent.

The suspicions of the students where confirmed as they looked at the people in front of them

4 adults dressed in kitty gear in weird positions stared at all of the teens.

Everyone ran to the adults, asking questions and getting hugs while Hope and Eri just stood there watching.

Hope took Eri off of her shoulders and placed her on the ground next to her.

Hope felt a presence behind her so she ripped her eyes away from the group in front of her and turned around.

There she saw a little boy. He looked to be around Eri's age, maybe a little older. He wore a hat with little horns that reminded her of Eri's small horn.

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