The Quirk

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3rd person pov

The class of 1-A and 1-B along with Mr. Aizawa were still battling their indivisual Nomu. This was the most amount of Nomu anyone had seen at one time.

Deku along with Bakugo were taking their Nomu's out quickly and effectively. Although, it didn't take long for there monsters to get back on their feet. So, being the quickest two.

The were the first to notice.

The screams were what first alerted the two. The looked simultaneously for the source and their eyes widended when they found it.

Hope and Eri dangling in a particularly strong looking Nomu's grasp.

Deku was the first to react. Without alerting anyone, his instincts kicked in and he leaped off of his foot using twenty percent of one for all.

The girls weren't that high in the air so he was capable of reaching them. Once he reached their height he noticed the terrified expression on both of their faces and his anger grew. He charged up a kick to blast the monster away.

Although, when the Nomu noticed this, it moved the girls to where Deku was aiming. It was smart and it was using the girls at a meatsheild.

Luckily, Deku noticed this and powered down his kick. Gravity took its toll quicker than any of the kids would have liked and Deku fell to the ground. His expresssion showed his pent up rage while the girls expressiond were only more frightened as they cried in each others arms.

On Bakugo's side when he had heard the screams he wanted to jump into action but stopped himself when he saw Deku jump off. He didn't have time to yell at him and he definitely didn't want to follow him.

So, he decided to get the attention of his teacher and classmates in hopes to actually help the two girls.

He yelled out to his teacher who had just finished knocking away his Nomu. Mr Aizawa looked at him and Bakugo motioned to the two girls in the sky that were being followed by Deku.

Mr. Aizawa audibly cursed and ran towards the small group. His outburst grabbed the attention of the students who were either done or just ran away from their Nomus.

By the time most of the students were aware of the situation, Deku was already falling done.

The green haired boy landed and he was caught by someone from class B and then encased by the crowd that was worried about Hope and Eri.

Baukugi grabbed Deku's collar, making sure to keep a close eye on the girls who were slowly floating higher.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU GRAB THEM, DEKU!?" Bakugi yelled in his face

This time Deku wasnt flustered by this intead he looked as if he was seconds away from letting go of his pent up rage. Everyone around them screamed Eri's and Hope's name.

Some if them started charging up their quirks and Deku quickly stopped them

"Don't! It''s" Deku grit his teeth in anger
"It's using them as a shield. Using our quirks would only hurt them.."

The students stopped their quirks immediately.

"Then how do we save them!?" Mina asked, stepping out from the crowd.

The Nomu's whom were knocked back by the students now started to come back and the students started to fight them off while debating what to do.

"We need to somehow seperate them without trying to hurt the Nomu" Todoroki said, using his fire to encase the monster in front of him.

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