The Remote

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Uraraka's pov

I felt my breath hitch in my throat as I looked through the teachers lounge window. The shiny glass giving off a slight glare, hurting my eyes

I can't believe I'm doing this..

My attention landed on All Might and I watched him intensely, trying to also be inconspicuous. Everytime he would turn his attention to something my way I would duck down and peek slightly until he changed his view of sight

I was postive he kept Hope's remote in his blazer pocket. Atleast, thats where I saw him put it on the bus. So all I have to do is seperate him from that blazer

His blazer rested on the back of his chair, him leaning back in it slightly. My eyes widended when I saw the outline of a small device in the pocket of his coat.

I stepped back from the window and observed my surroundings. No one was in the halls. Ofcourse, that's what I would expect when it's 20 minutes before school even starts.

My eyes darted back to the window when I sensed movement. All Might was leaning forward in his chair now. He was slowly standing up while looking at a piece of paper in his hands.

It's now or never

I quickly dropped to my butt and held my leg. rocking back and forth slightly. Once I heard the door knob jiggle I started to inhale tightly through my teeth, acting like I was in pain.

I heard the door creek open and I brought out the best performance I could.

"Ow..ow.." I said quietly, acting like I didn't see the door open

"Uraraka! What happened, are you hurt?"

I could feel All Might's shadow incase me and I bit the inside of my cheek to draw out tears. I gripped my leg a little tighter before looking up at him

"I don't know...I fell.." I stopped to sniffle and rub my eyes on my hand
"My leg hurts really bad.."

He directed his eyes to my leg and examined it, touching it gently. I flinched at his touch and concern laced his face.

"I'll go get recovery girl!"

He then dashed off down the hallway, leaving the teachers lounge door open. I watched as his figure slowly dissappered

Once he was out of sight I quickly jumped to my feet and ran towards his blazer that had just been left unattended. My hands traveled over the expense piece of clothing until I felt the openings of the pockets.

My hands slid into the openings and I smiled brightly as I felt a hard object in one of them. I pulled my hands out quickly once I reached my objective and studied the object in my hands.

A small remote with one button in the middle, a very simple design really.

The sound of distant footprints distracted me from the device and I quickly stuck it in my bra. I ran outside of the teachers lounge and sat down, clutching my leg just as I was earlier.

A few seconds later All Might came jogging down the hallway with recovery girl. I acted like I didnt notice them and stretched out my leg slightly, pretending to be feeling better.

Once the two reached me I looked up at them and smiled. I stretched my leg out in front of them and grabbed it slightly

"Must have just been a muscle cramp!" I said. I stood up slowy, being careful around my false injured leg.

All Might sighed and looked down at recovery girl before she nodded and walked away, presumably to her office.

I gave All Might one last smile before turning on my heel and walking away with a slight limp

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