The Outing (part 1)

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3rd person pov

"What? I've worn this sweater before!" Hope exclaimed, puffing out her cheeks.

The class had decided to split into four different groups of five (don't @ my math just go with it) so they could could successfully surrond the city and statistically map out and stop as much crime as possible.

The groups were choosen by experience and quirk skill. So, since Hope couldn't use her quirk or even participate, she had to be put with a group that was strong enough to not need her.

The students she was put with and was currently walking with were Todoroki, Kirishima, Uraraka, and Mina. Yes, Hope did feel a little bad that she was just tagging along and couldn't actually help but she was exicted nevertheless to see her classmates in action.

Right now, Kirishima and Mina were questioning the grey haired girl about her apparel while Todoroki and Uraraka listened quietly.

"Well yeah, but this is supposed to be your costume and right now Im not impressed" Mina said, holding up one of the girls loose sleeves and expecting her outfit some more while Kirishima laughed.

Hope smacked her hand away and let out a light chuckle before deciding to walk a little ahead in order to loose the outfit police on her tail.

She made her way to the front on the group, leaving a couple of feet between her and them. She could still hear the two teens in the back giggling and she rolled her eyes. Her goggles started to feel a little tight around her eyes but she couldn't change them until she was out of the public eye.

The group walked down the sidewalks of their city's most popular shopping district, stopping briefly to look at decor or monuments.

To Hope, it felt more like a simple outing with friends. Which she was more than thankful for. She wanted to see her friends in action, yes, but she didn't want them to get hurt either.

The group stopped to look at a street performer who was performing small magic tricks. It was Hope's idea to stop, for no other reason than she just wanted to see some magic tricks. The teenagers were easily sticking out in the crowd, being in costume along with being a few feet taller than the kids in the crowd.

After the magician somehow turned a bouquet of flowers into a regular street pigeon he asked for a volunteer from the crowd. All of the kids raised their hands, along with Mina who seemed to be really into the whole show.

The street performer picked a little boy around the age of four or five and he happily ran up.

The teenagers smiled at the cute gesture and were preparing to leave and let the magician continue. That was until the magician pulled something shiny and small from his sleeve. He grabbed the happy boys hair and held him still while the shiny object got dangerously close to his neck. The boys eyes widened along with everyone elses in the crowd.

The teenagers powered up and Hope got into a fighting stance

The magician clicked his tounge and he let the object lightly graze the boys neck

"I was hoping you heros would leave a little earlier but I suppose I'll have to work with this..." He coldly stated. Then a smirk appeared on his face

"Everything out of your pockets, phones, jewelry, anything valuable. In the hat" he gestured to a hat he had been using to collect tips

The object started to make an indent on the boy's neck

"Or he dies" the man finished

Quickly everyone complied. Even the heros who had their eyes fixated on the boys neck. The children in the audience started crying, parents showed up and some ran with their children while others stood still in shock.

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