chapter twenty six

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twenty six
"who the hell is that?"

(starting off with season two! who's all excited? :)))

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(starting off with season two! who's all excited? :)))


   THE HEAT is scorching. Time flies. The number of tourists double. People get annoyed easier. It seems as if people like being idiots more often.

   But somehow, Evan Buckley and Evelynn Kennedy always found the fun in every shift, and in between them as well.

   Buck and Lynn had been living together for almost four months now, which was crazy to them because it had seemed like only yesterday when Buck was moving in his boxes. They enjoyed being roommates, they enjoyed each other's company.

   Although the teasing and jokes seemed to be endless from their friends at the firehouse, and Lizzy and Joe, the two young adults had grown better at simply ignoring them.

   Neither of them had talked about the night where drunk Lynn had sloppily started a make out session between her and Buck. It almost seemed like it never actually happened, like it was all just some dream Lynn had cooked up. She was relieved it was never brought up again, because she would've been absolutely flustered.

   She couldn't deny it; that living with Buck had been the highlight of her, well, year, maybe decade? The two were the best of friends, and everyone was a bit confused on how they didn't hate each other's guts from being with one another basically every hour of the day. Every Friday, they would try their best to have their weekly movie night. Where Buck picks up the amazing Thai food Lynn's obsessed with—which she proudly got Buck into—and she figured out a god awful movie to watch. They purposely pick the worst of the worst, so they can laugh all night and make fun of the terrible actors. Other than that, they still make time for their morning coffee runs, delicious home cooked dinners, and good breakfast before shifts.

   "I got another DXA scan, and guess who dropped another half percent!"

   Lynn adjusted her shift bag full of clothing on her shoulder, raising her head up to glance over to Buck walking beside her. The two had just entered the fire station, and Lynn saw Bobby and Hen talking near the lockers; and she assumed that's where Buck was heading towards.

   "What?" Hen questioned, raising a confused eyebrow towards the muscled man.

   "A DXA scan measures your body fat," Buck explained, and then he rose his phone so that everyone could see some app that had a human body image in it. "You can see your percentage in every part of your body."

✓ 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄, 𝘦. 𝘣𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘺Where stories live. Discover now