chapter twenty eight

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twenty eight
"wrong light"


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Lynn let out an annoyed sigh as she started to adjust the punching gloves she had fitted to her hands. Buck would always help out Lynn with her training and with practicing her boxing ever since the whole ordeal with Hazel Allen, but somehow he would always take forever in the locker rooms. Lynn would chalk it up to him talking mirror selfies, but right now she figured it was probably because of their fight last night.

By the time Lynn finally arrived home, she found the apartment to be quiet as could be. Where Maddie was curled up comfortably on the couch and she only assumed Buck was sound asleep in his room. Lynn didn't dare want to disturb anyone, so went directly to her room without making a sound.

The two roommates drove in separately as well, since by the time Buck left his room he already saw all of Lynn's items for the shift gone along with her car keys.

"Maybe I could help."

Lynn turned over her shoulder to find Eddie standing a few feet away, wearing a pair of shorts with a black tank top. Just like her, he had bandages wrapped around his hands like he was ready to train.

"Oh, you don't have to," Lynn shook her head, suddenly feeling like she would be bothering the man.

"No, no, I insist," Eddie smiled politely towards the brunette, and Lynn casually returned it. "Show me what you got."

Lynn let out a soft chuckle, deciding she was going to cave and let the man help her. She liked Eddie, he was strong willed, passionate about his job, and overall a nice person to have a conversation with. But why was it the second Lynn noticed how comfortable she was with the man, she would get a guilt feeling in her stomach?

Both Eddie and Lynn shifted their bodies around so that Eddie would be holding the punching bag, and Lynn had her arms raised up, ready to land a punch any second.

Lynn let out a few grunts as she swung her fists a few times, and each time Eddie seemed to be even more impressed with the woman; she had a fierce attitude.

"That's good, really, but I think your elbows are too high," Eddie suggested, pointing his index finger towards Lynn's arched elbows.

"Really? I was told I needed them higher," Lynn replied, and her blue eyes switched between her boxing partner and down towards her palms.

And there was that same guilt feeling.

"Well, sure, if you're fighting someone who's way taller than you," Eddie explained, and Lynn mouth formed the smallest of o's. "But just practicing, you'll get less tired if you have them in a good middle."

✓ 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄, 𝘦. 𝘣𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘺Where stories live. Discover now