chapter fourteen

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"let's prick him!"


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"SO, I WANT TO THANK everybody for donating today."

Lynn glanced up from staring at the red ball she was having fun squeezing and then releasing, up towards Chimney. He had a clipboard in one hand, and with the other he was waving it around.

Currently, the fire house was filled to the brim with many different firefighters and paramedics all willing to donate their blood. Chimney was in charge of everything, saying he had to pay back the generous people of Los Angles for saving his life when he had the rebar stuck in his head. Lynn was squeeze in between Buck and Hen, who also seemed distracted with the red balls in their hands.

"I don't know if you know this or not, but ninety percent of all the blood given to patients in the Los Angeles area comes from volunteers," Chimney continued in a very speech like voice, and Lynn glanced over to a bored Buck and they tried their best to hold back their snickers. "I know that we all put
our asses on the line in the field every day to save people, but today, you're saving people, and all it's taking is a tiny prick of a needle."

Lynn glanced over to Bobby, who was now entering the firehouse, and wondered why he was so late to the blood drive in the first place.

"So simple, even Mr. Buckley and Mrs. Kennedy can't mess that up," Chimney finished, and Lynn tore her eyes from her captain to teasingly glare at the man standing in front of her. Buck didn't seem offended however, and just gave a quick captains wave while sending a wink in his direction.

Lynn sort of zoned out as Chimney talked to Bobby about him donating blood, which he apparently didn't want to do. Maybe it was because she was tired from the night before, but whatever it was, she wanted to just nap.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're
the captain of this house, and you're the only one who didn't participate."

Lynn finally snapped out of her thoughts as she heard Chimney's voice echo throughout the firehouse, and for a second she thought that him and Bobby were about to once again have another showdown.

"I don't like needles, end of story," Bobby answered, and he noticed how his paramedics donating were now interested in the conversation that got a little loud than he anticipated.

"Oh, c'mon. Captain, c'mon," Hen persuaded, standing up from her chair as the nurse finished tying the bandage over her elbow. "You got to donate."

"I don't give blood, alright? I never give
blood," Bobby stated, waving his hands in the air aimlessly. "When I was a kid, they tried to take my blood, and I bit the doctor."

Buck and Lynn let out loud laughs at the captains frightened expression that he would have to face his fear of needles. He sent them a glare, and Lynn bit down on her bottom lip to stop the chuckles from coming out.

✓ 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄, 𝘦. 𝘣𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘺Where stories live. Discover now