chapter twenty four

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twenty four
"something happening"


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"YOU KNOW, WE COULD HEAD back to my place if you wanted."

Lynn glanced up from her second glass of whiskey with one ice cube, and towards the charming man sitting beside her. She was drunk, quite obviously, but no matter how drunk she seemed to be she would never be the one to have careless one night stands.

"I'm sorry, really, I just...that isn't really me," Lynn shrugged her shoulders softly, sending the man a sympathetic half-smile while she took another sip of her glass.

"Really?" Oliver questioned, and Lynn's somewhat relaxed face dropped a bit at the threatening tone that bounced in his voice.

Lynn's pink lips quite literally spread into a gasp at the angry booming from the man, and she swallowed nervously as Oliver stood up from his seat.

"I mean, did you know that the entire time or do you like wasting people's time?" Oliver asked, his tall body looming over Lynn's easily. But Lynn just stood there, being speechless with the mans words.

"Yo, back off, man!"

Lynn finally snapped out of her slightly scared trace to glance over to Buck, who was now pushing his way through the decreasing crowd by the bar. He had anger written all over his face, and then switched back over to Oliver, who looked equally as pissed.

"Evan, it's fine," Lynn rose up from her bar stool, placing a hand on Buck's chest as he took a threatening step towards Oliver. She then glared back towards him, her jaw clenching. "The asshole was just leaving."

"Damn right I was, turns out you're not as easy as I thought you were," Oliver snapped back, slamming his now empty glass of whiskey back on the bar.

Buck tried to push past Lynn for the snarky comment, but she stepped completely in front of him, gaining his attention. He gazed down to Lynn's bright blue eyes, and he was almost immediately calmed down.

"What happened?"

Lynn shook her head towards her friends who had now made their way over to the bar, and none looked more concerned than Lizzy.

"Dick only wanted to get laid, that's all," Lynn shook off everyone's worried glances, and then signaled towards the bartender. "Another round?"

"I think we've had enough," Hen chuckled, and then turned to Lizzy standing beside her. "Hey, could you take me home? Chimney here was supposed to stay sober to be the driver."

✓ 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄, 𝘦. 𝘣𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘺Where stories live. Discover now