Chapter twenty-Four- A lovely morning

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"So that's my story

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"So that's my story. Well at least the tragic part which kinda effected me a lot." _____ said to Alastor "Yeah, what Valentino did reminded me of... something I just want to for get."

"My dear I don't mean to pry but how old are you." Alastor asked "and thank you for sharing."

"Well a lot older than you that's for sure. It's been a long time centuries I lost count after 400." _____ said and kissed Alastor on the nose.

"How you die?"

"Hmmm. I died yeah let's just say it I loves sea monster and humans. It's not that interesting well compared to the other stuff I encountered" _____ said with a small laugh.

"There's that beautiful laugh my dear!" Alastor said excitedly.

"Hm?" ____ said and tilt her head in confused.

Alastor places his hand on her cheek and ticketed her head towards her and said "Darling you just been so down in the dumbs, I'm glad your laughing again."

"Oh Al, well aren't you the sweetest thing. Despite being a murder." _____ said as she leaned towards his hand.

"Only to you my dear." Alastor said and kissed her on the nose.

This made _____ giggle and she said "Oh you sly deer. Now how about we get some sleep. It's like 3 in the morning!"

"I suppose we should." Alastor said and let go of her face.

——time skip to the morning——

Alastor was the first to wake up, he opens his eye and saw that _____  was hugging him like a koala on a tree. Alastor stayed still not wanting to wake _____ up, he looked at her as saw she had a smile on her face as she slept. A few minutes later _____ yawned and open her eyes.

"Good morning, Al." _____ said yawned and kissed his head.

"Morning, love." Alastor said looking up at here.

______ scooted down a bit and nuzzled her head into he's neck. Alastor chuckled a bit thinking of how cute she was. 

"Dear we should get up. We have things to do. We don't wan Charlie waiting for us, now." Alastor said.

____ whined a bit and said "awww come on five more minutes. Your so warm and comfortable to hug, like a cute soft teddy."

"My dear, I don't think that's the right description about me." Alastor said.

"Fine, a dangerous Bambi that is very huggable. So fiveee morre minutes all~"

"Alright five more minutes."


True to her word _____ got up after five minutes. Alastor and ____ got ready for the day. ____ had felt a lot better after talking to Alastor it was nice to have had someone to talk to. _____ felt relived to talk to someone about her past. _____ decided to make breakfast for everyone and she made pancakes for everyone. Everyone else was either doing some work or waiting at the table.

"Good morning everyone! I made pancakes and coffee~" _____ said happily "oh and Alastor I made sure you cup of coffee had no sweetener in it cuz I know you live you dark coffee~"

_____ places down the food for everyone.

"You seem to be a good mood, _____ I'm glad!" Charlie said.

"Well I just had a great night!" _____ said and kissed Alastor on the cheek and sat next to him.

"You mean a Se-" Angel said

"NO YOU PERVERT. We just had a very lovely conversation. Unlike you Angel I'm not into weird kinky crap." _______ said.

"Ha but you still f*ck, Alastor if he lets you babe~" Angel said.

______ blushed and her face friend as red as Alastor's hair. She decided not to answer that question.

"So did I get it right~"

"SHUT UP ANGEL. That's not your business wither I like it or not. Plus he's Asexual for crying out loud." ______ said.

"I would be apposed to it my dear. If you wish that is." Alastor whispers into her ear.

"Oh shut it you cute demon. Your not helping." ______ said and booped his nose.

"Dear you know I love you!" Alastor happily exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah you lovely gentledeer I love you too"

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