Chapter twenty-three- The tale of love

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Note long chapter!!!

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Note long chapter!!!

______ tragic love story:
It all started centuries ago, I had a boyfriend at the time his name was....

Ansel, he was a sweet kind man. He allayed treated me well. He was all I could ask for. We spend 10 years together. It was that faithful day when I lost him.

It was a beautiful day in May, the birds where sing and wind blew quiet. At the time I was still living by the ocean and Ansel would always come and visit me. Kind of like how you of Alastor. 

I loved him with all my heart and I knew that love won't last long. The other humans soon found out about me, they called me a monster and how I cursed their land when I didn't nothing. They forbid Ansel to see me, they locked him up in a cell and left him there making sure he will never return to me. I was furious and I went on a rampage and killed almost everyone the until I got to him. I became what they where feared of, a monster...

When I came back to my sense it was too late, Ansel only did two things. He hugged me and smiled at me. He never got mad at me. That small chance I'd happiness lasted only a few minutes when Vokanick, a man who hated Ansel and was a tyrant in his own rights. He and fought long and hard. Ansel won and spared him. Sparing Vokanick was the worst mistake Ever.  Ansel and I ran to safety.

A few years after, this came back to haunts. I still remember it clear as day now. Vokanick and his now mini army of men came to our home which became a secret for years. At the time I wasn't strong I was a weakling. With the number we where out matched.

They used me as bait, Ansel ran to me protect me

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They used me as bait, Ansel ran to me protect me... he died that day. I still remember his words.

"My.... my sweet sweet ______, I love you. Always.. live. Survive for me." Ansel said.

I was unsuccessful at my escape. I was hurt, abused mentally, physically and sexually. I hated them. This cause me to have a natural hate for human. One night I killed them all every last on, except Vokanick.  I don't know why I did it, maybe it was a way for me to honor Ansel. I blamed myself for his death. After that I returned to the sea.

Neptus the son of Neptune (go with I know this isn't real mythology) and one of my dearest friends, learned of our tragedy. He gave me a home and taught me many things and taught me how to be strong. He help me forget the pain. When he became the god of the Sea when Neptune resigned from his position. He gave me a lake. The lake where we met. He allowed me to become a the guardian of that lake for as long as I want. Neptus gave me a home where I can be alone and I was grateful. I never gotten over my hate for humans since then but I learn how to tolerate them.

That is until I met you, Alastor. You changed my look on humans more. There was something about you that drew me to you. You gave me a reason to love again, to not hate you. 
I love you, Al. I don't anything to harm you ever. I don't think I can handle loosing you."

——- back to present time——-
"So that's my story. Well at least the tragic part which kinda effected me a lot." _____ said to Alastor.

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