Chapter eight- Angel and The ring

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It and been a little more that a century since _____ and Alastor met, he was still waiting for his ______ to come to hell to him

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It and been a little more that a century since _____ and Alastor met, he was still waiting for his ______ to come to hell to him.
One day, Alastor decided to toke a nice stroll across hell and noticed the TVs was on in one of the stores he paused. Alastor saw the demons were all gathered towards the TVs. He paused and watched the video that was playing live right then and there. He watched and listen to the princess of hell sing "Inside of every demon is a rainbow."

—————————————————————--(Time skip to after Alastor destroys Sir pentious ship, Cus Author-Chan is to lazy to rewrite the entire script for the pilot episode.)———————————————————————

After Alastor decided to join Charlie and her idea of rehabilitating demons. He help around the hotel and even going himself a room so he doesn't have to keep going back and forth form the hotel and his home. Charlie welcome him but Vaggie was skeptical of Alastor.

"Sooo Alastor, whats with the ring. I couldn't help but notice it's shine." Charlie asked as they where having dinner together along with the others.

"Oh yeah what's with that F*ckin thing, Al? You married or sometin." Angel said.

"I'd be lyin if I didn't say I was curious." Vaggie as she hated to admit to Alastor that she was curious about it.

"Huh he that ring Ever since I knew em. Don't know what the F*ckin deal is but I don't give a f*ck about it." Husk said and drank his alcohol.

Nifty said nothing.

"It was a gifted to me by someone. I will not talk about them as I promise to keep our relations a secret. And I will honor that promise and not speak of them." Alastor said. "And no Angel I am not married."

"Huh for Someone like you to have care about something that. I didn't expect that." Vaggie Said.

"Oh okay that's fine then you don't have to tell us!" Charlie said cheerfully.

"Thank you for respect my boundaries unlike someone here." Alastor said looking at Angel.

"So can you F*ckin take that sh*t off of you hand or what." Angel asked

"I can take it off but you can't." Alastor said.

"So do you ever take it off, strawberry pimp."

"No, now stop pestering me with you idiots question Angel. What I do with my ring doesn't effect you nor do you need to care." Alastor said.

That Night while Alastor was sleeping Angel convinced Charlie to go sneak into Alastor room to see what's so special about that ring and take it off off Alastor. Angel and Charlie snuck into Alastor's room.

"Angel I'm not sure this is a good idea." Charlie whispers

"Shhhhh he's going to wake up if your loud."
Angel said.

They got close enough to Alastor hand. He slowly grabbed Alastor hand and tried to get the ring off but to his surprise it didn't come off.

"What the f*ck." Angel said.

"What?" Charlie whispers back.

"It won't come off." Angel whispers.

Alastor quickly turn his head toward the two and look at them as his eyes turned into radio dials.

"What do you two think your doing?" Alastor said in a eerie tone and quickly pulled his head away.

"Ummmm.... sh*t" Angel said.

"We're sorry it was Angel's idea!" Charlie said.

"What's with the ring It won't F*ckin come off." Angel said.

Alastor sighed and pulled the ring off for a second and put it back on.

"There you happy? It does come off. Now stop bothering me. Next time you try to do that I will make sure you don't have any hand left to use." Alastor said and turn his back away from the two "and GET OUT OF MY ROOM."

"Yes sir!" Both of them said and ran off in fear.

Alastor smiled to himself and thought 'so you really made this unstealable ______. I hope we can see each other soon my love.'

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