Chapter thirteen- Cat fight

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"I said b*tch. Now such it up and spend time with Alastor later you f*cking hoe." Mimzy said ,let go of Alastor; stared directly at ______ and walked closer to her.

" Mimzy said ,let go of Alastor; stared directly at ______ and walked closer to her

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"Listen. I have no problem with you spend time with Alastor and everything but I don't appreciate you being so rude about it." ____ said.

Alastor and Charlie stood along the side watching this unfold. Charlie was thinking of what to do next while Alastor was surprise Mimzy would have such a different side to her and _____ was surprisingly polite dispute being extremely annoyed.

"Well this is hell, deal with it. I'm going to Hang out with Alastor and your not Getting in my way." Mimzy said.

"By all means go head, if Alastor wishes to spend time with you then go head. I'm not going to interfere with his 'friendships' but calling me a female dog is ridiculous I  didn't even do anything at you and you snap at me?"  ____ said.

"F*ck you."

"You little.... you know what I don't need to waste me breath on people like you." ____ said and turned to Alastor and said sweetly "Alastor what do you say? Who would you like to company you this evening. Me or Mimzy? I wouldn't be mad about you going with her if that's what you wish."

Alastor was amused by ____ sudden 180 from being clearly irrupted and annoyed to her usual sweet and uplifting personality with I a few seconds.

Alastor cleared his throat and said "Well I shall stick to the plans I made originally and go with ______. However you may join us if you like Mimzy. Is that fine with you, darling?"

"That's fine with me. The more the merrier right Mimzy." ____ said and looked at Mimzy with a (clearly forced fake) smile not because she was upset with Alastor's chose but because she was annoyed at Mimzy.

"That's sounds like a plan. I'll see you later, Alastor." Mimzy said and blew Alastor a kiss and left.

_____ sighed and sat down on the couch. Alastor walked Over and sat next to _____.

"My dear I hope you don't mind. But I have to say seeing you irritated like that was quiet a show. It was refreshing to see a new side of you " Alastor said.

"Yeah that was ... um interesting. I'll leave you two alone now." Charlie said and walked away.

"I don't mind. I'm not upset at you. If anything I should be upset at myself. I should have handled it a bit differently and just let you say something from the beginning. It just made me a bit upset when she said those words cus in that tone with those words it's unruly." _____ said and leaned her had on Alastor's shoulder.

"Dear, you're fine. No need to apologize, we're in hell remember lots of people do bad things and make mistakes. And I enjoys your interaction." Alastor said.

"Well do night's going to be a doozie. I mean come one I bet you probably be able to cut the tension with a butter knife and we'll probably be give each other death stares. I will try to restrain from doing anything rash."

"Alright my dear let us return to out duties." Alastor said.

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