Chapter Nineteen- The truth

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Time skip a Week past

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Time skip a Week past.

_____ was tortured, drugged and mentally abused. ____ slowly broke, she began to stop functioning at all. She was losing hope, she wanted to be with Alastor so badly, she started have flashbacks To her tortured past. She was silent as she had gotten used to the pain and abuse. She never screamed and this made Valentino furious.

————Back at the hotel————

Alastor thought _____(Mimzy) was acting strange. _____ was a lot more clingy and was horrible at her job. It ended up causing everyone more work to do. Alastor never asked because he trusted _____ but something seems off to him. This went oh for an entire week. Alastor began to notice small differences and bothered him. Today the staff of the hotel was having a meeting to discuss _____ sudden lack of quality when it came to her work and Angel dust was out doing whatever and Valentino invited him back to the studio. Angel of course reluctantly went to see what he wanted.

"Alright everyone! Today I'm here to talk about ____ recent behavior!" Charlie said.

"Yeah what the f*ck _____ I thought you where cool but you been makeung a F*ck mess everyone need to clean up" Vaggie said angrily.

"Vaggie, I'm sure ______ had an explanation." Charlie said and looked over to _____.

"I uhh..." ____ said looked down.

"Darling." Alastor said and decided to test his theory.

"Yes." ____ said happily.

"Where did we meet and how." Alastor said.

"What teh f*ck does that have to do with her work performance." Vaggie said.

"Al, I'm going to have to go with Vaggie. Why do you need to ask." _____ said.

"Just answer the question." Alastor said.

"Okay..... um wee meet at the.. Ocean! Yes, and you where passing bye and I couldn't help but walk up to you and talked to you." _____ said.

Alastor didn't reply as his eyes turned to radio dials. The air became thick and you couldn't tell Alastor was furious as he no longer had his iconic smile. This frightens everyone beside Husk cus he's drunk.

"Where is _____, you imposter." Alastor said.

"What do you mean? I'm _____" ____ said nervously.

"No, you're not. If you treasure your afterlife you will show your true self and Tell me where the is my darling, _____" Alastor said with venom and a harsh tone.

"Okay okay you win." ______ said in fear and quickly drank a different potion which made her turn back to her normal self, Mimzy.

"Mimzy?!" Charlie and Vaggie said in shock.

"I.. I'm sorry, Alastor just please don't be mad at me. And I don't know where that b*t- I mean _____ is!!!" Mimzy said in fear as she was about to cry.

"Why." Alastor said as he started to smile but it was is usual sinister smile.

"It was Valentino's idea!!!" Mimzy said.

"Mimzy, considering we were friends, I'll give you mercy, however if I ever see your sorry face agian I will rip you to f*cking pieces and make you wish you where never alive." Alastor said.

Mimzy nodded and ran. Once Mimzy left Alastor's eyes turned back to normal and he sat down on his chair.

"I can't believe I let her fool me for this long. I need to get ____ back now." Alastor said to himself.

"Alastor We will help you! _____ our friend too." Charlie said "and then we can apologize to ____ for not realizing sooner!"

Alastor nodded and they started to go over plans to get ____ back home safely.

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