Chapter sixteen- Plan of attack

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——The next morning at Mimzy's house

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——The next morning at Mimzy's house.——-

Mimzy was about to head out to her work as she heard a knock at her door. When she opens it she gasped and saw it was Vox and Valentino.

"What do I own the pleasure for y'all." Mimzy said.

"Well Mimzy I'm aware you don't like taht siren B*tch. What such a shame she's with Alastor am I right." Valentino said.

Mimzy let the two in and closed the door "go on."

"We have a common goal Mimzy darling. You want Alastor and I what that b*tch to pay for what she did to me, keeping me from my Angel cakes." Valentino said and sat on Mimzy's couch along with Vox.

"So we came up with a plan! And I think you be the perfect candidate for the job. We get ____ and you get Alastor to yourself." Vox said.

"Okay. So what's the plan." Mimzy said as she was liking what the two was offering.

"Here's the plan we know Alastor trusts and care for ____ dearly. So all we have to do is to kidnap her which would be difficult but not impossible. Next we'll use a spell on you to make you look like that _____ as for not raise suspicion." Vox said.

"Once we have that b*tch, we will contact you and you can act as b*tchy as possible to make _____ unappealing to Alastor and say how much you hate him and run away. Then you can later on come and comfort him and do as you please with him as his new girl." Valentino said "The we both have what we want. You have Alastor and I have _____ to torture as I please."

"Alright. I like that plan. I hate that sl*t anyways. I do went to know why Vox is helping cus it seem to me it's only you that have a problem with that c*nt" Mimzy replied after a few second of thinking.

"Oh Mimzy that's simple! I'm here for extra help and to excite this plan as best to our abilities! Plus me and Val has a history together and I don't mind helping out as long he willing to do the same for me." Vox said.

"So when at we doing this plan." Mimzy asked.

"When the time is right we will call you. So give use your phone number and we'll give you ours." Valentino said.

With that they exchanged there phone numbers and talked to each other longer to finalize all the plans and who everything will work out.
Once the left it was already night and thankfully Valentino said he cover for her and called her work place already. Mimzy decide to drink the night away to her own celebration and anticipation to the fact that she will have Alastor all to herself very very soon.

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