Chapter two- Behind a fake forest lies a lake

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After killing the man, Alastor wonder deeper into the woods

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After killing the man, Alastor wonder deeper into the woods. As he did he relized he had accidentally walked into the part of the woods where he had never done before. It was then something remarkable happened Alastor had stumbled in to a hidden part of the forest. He had walked into a magical illusions. Beyond that wall of a fake forest he soon arrived at a lake Alastor was in our of the beauty of the lake during the night.

"Where am I." Alastor said to himself.

"Well Human, you have stumbled onto, my home, my lake." A angelic voice said, and Alastor had no idea where it had came form.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Alastor said as he dropped the dead body on the floor.

"Alright I'll show myself if you do one thing for me, well, two I mean."

"And that is?"

"Number one you must not tell anyone and I mean anyone about my home. Number two we shall not harm me in anyway. And in return I will not say a word about you and the dead body you carry with you. Along with that human I will allow you to see me."

"Hmm alright I won't say a word about this place and nor will I harm you." Alastor said "I promise and swear over my mother's dead body."

"Good human good." The voice said.

The water with in the lake gathered to a rock near by and when the water dispersed a young woman seemed to show herself. She was breathtaking she and fins on the side of her head wear her ears should be. She had (skin color)skin, ocean blue eyes and (colored) hair. She wore a simple whit dress with a blue Ribbon wrapped on her waist along with a blue bracelet.

 She wore a simple whit dress with a blue Ribbon wrapped on her waist along with a blue bracelet

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"Hello, human." She said.

"... so umm what are you? Not be rude or anything, dear." Alastor said.

"Well I'm a siren." She said.

"May I know you name? Dear."

"Yes, I'm ______ the keeper of this lake."

"It's my pleasure to meet you, darling. I am Alastor." Alastor said with a big smile.

"Well what bring you to my home Alastor. And don't be afraid to tell me the truth." ____ said.

"Well. I have accidentally wandered off of the path that I should've went to hide this body but I wandered in here instead."

"I see."

"May I ask why do you live here and right sirens supposed to live in the ocean and stuff?"

____ laughed and said "hu- I mean Alastor, not all sirens live in the ocean I chose to live in the lake is much more peaceful but I don't want humans knowing where I live so I used an illusion skill to hide"

Alastor nodded.

" well then, Mr. Alastor why don't you clean yourself at the lake I will prepare some clothes for you . I think that it might not be a good thing for other humans to see you covered in blood. Well as you clean yourself, I suppose I could help you clean up this body of your."

"Oh um thank you for your hospitality then. I suppose I'll be behind that rock cleaning myself." Alastor said.

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