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Chapter 4

Daniel: Hey can I stay the night at your place? I told my mom I'm staying with Alex, but he's out with a senior I think and now I can't go back home.

Brianna: Sure, come over! And no need for all that explanation. You're always welcome here!

Daniel: Except when River is eye-fucking me

Brianna: Well, she does have a thing for pretty boys.

Daniel: Am I a pretty boy?

Brianna: The prettiest!

Daniel: Awww gurllll 🥺🥺

Brianna: Whoever you were trying to impersonate, didn't work.

Daniel: I didn't have dinner. Do you have any leftovers?

Brianna: Maybe some lasagna from yesterday. Should be good if you heat it up.

Daniel: Aren't you at home?

Brianna: I am, but I'm too lazy to move from my bed. Come to my room when you're done eating.

Daniel: Lazy bum.

Brianna: You know me ;)

I turned my attention back to the medical drama I was watching. The group chat was silent, considering how Sophie and Eleanor were at Noah's party. Throughout the week, Eleanor had been giving me reasons why I should attend the party, even if the decision to apologise was entirely mine. She was very disappointed when I asked her to give me the freedom to make my own choice, the same way I was giving her the decision to choose if she wanted to pursue Noah.

She wasn't the only one who could use logic for her own convenience.

I had probably fallen asleep in the middle of an episode, because Daniel's silhouette hovering over me woke me up in a daze. He pulled my earphones out gently, taking my laptop away from the bed, "It's late, go back to sleep."

Too tired to argue, I shut my eyes again, scooting over to make space for him. The bed dipped behind me when he slipped in, but I was too deep in sleep to care about much else. I woke up snuggled into his shoulder, and in the haze, Daniel's blonde hair almost reminded me of someone else. I sat up straight, rubbing my eyes, as if that would wash the memory away. In his dreamland, he had a serene look on his face, and I tried my best not to disturb it, sneaking out of the room quiet as a mouse.

The kitchen was a mess from last night, trust River and Nathan to allow food to lay uncovered the whole night. Daniel was a guest, and I wouldn't expect him to do anything, but my flatmates were definitely looking for an ass whooping. I had to dump the rancid food down the disposal, heart pinching at the wastage.

A clean kitchen was definitely easier to work with, so I readied some eggs for french toasts, checking on Nathan if he would have the time to eat with us. Due to his new second job, Nathan had been sleeping and waking very odd hours, and he wasn't usually there for our meal times.

Smelling the wonderful aroma of coffee, vanilla and cinnamon, River waltzed into the kitchen in her nightdress, still holding on to her bed sheet like a cape. She took a seat at the table, tucking her knees up and wrapping the blanket more comfortably. A hand reached out from the warm pile, digging into the glass jar of cookies, taking two. As I ran around the kitchen, River nibbled on the cookies, occasionally mumbling something about some client giving her grief over some trademark issue. I couldn't focus on her chatter, fearing I would burn the toast.

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