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I know that ending upset so many of you, so I brought you a cute/fluffy scene. I'd place this in the week between Noah's final match and Thanksgiving.

You can thank Alice [ @silent_writer_ ] for encouraging me to post a bonus scene.

Was it strange how easy it was to smile and breathe next to Noah? He emerged into view with that stupid smirk on his face, the one he knew attracted women to him like flies, followed by Alex and Daniel. The beautiful golden trio walked into my tiny apartment like they were lighting the place up simply by their presence.

"Hey, are you even listening?" Sophie smacked my shoulder with her purse, breaking my eye contact with Noah. I shook my head, making poor attempts at holding my smile in. I hadn't even noticed how my cheeks had turned up until I needed to make a straight face for Sophie.

"Sorry, go on," I muttered, fiddling with my sweater.

"No, never mind that." She rolled her eyes, "Loverboy is making heart eyes at you. Go."

I mimicked her actions but stood up anyway to meet Noah, who had taken an interest in an unsolved Rubik's cube. "Hi there." He looked up, instantly discarding all attention to the object, wrapping me in a hug. I breathed in the fresh scent of soap from his clothes, pressing my cheek to his chest.

"Hello, darling." He kissed my forehead, the small word sending waves of electricity through me. I looked up, arms still latched around his neck, hoping my eyes could convey what I was too shy to say.

"Bri," he groaned, kissing my forehead and leaning so he could whisper in my ears, "stop making those fuck-me eyes here."

"What?" I giggled, like a stupid high school girl with a crush, feeling his breath tickle my ears.

"You know like you want me to take you to your bedroom right now."

Oh, Jesus. That wasn't what I intended. The thought of Noah dragging me to his bed was exhilarating, but I was very aware of the fact that we had guests over, and his ideas would have to wait a few more hours at the least. As I had quickly discovered, no amount of preparation or mental reinforcement could really prepare me for the way Noah could do absolutely nothing and somehow make me feel everything when we were under the sheets. Even when he would just stare at me, it would send me into a frenzy, unable to find words or sounds to tell him how full my heart was at that moment.

I kissed his cheek before sliding out of his embrace, taking a spot on the couch next to Daniel, who was feeding Finn grapes. Noah plopped next to me, lazily putting an arm around me and I leaned into his chest getting comfortable. River and Nathan emerged from the kitchen holding bowls of popcorn and chips, settling in their own spaces.

"Can I pick the movie?" Sophie asked, and unanimously, we were quick to shout 'No!'. Knowing her, we would have to watch Mean Girls again, and I was not in the mood for a chick flick, neither was Noah. Noah was never in the mood for Mean Girls for some reason.

"Let me pick something." River stole the TV remote from Sophie, heading straight to the murder mystery section. Before she could browse the selection, Daniel reached over Alex and nearly headbutted River to snatch the remote from her, scrolling up to some Hallmark movie, "It's the season, guys. Spread some cheer."

"We aren't done with Thanksgiving yet," Alex elbowed him, which somehow launched a full-blown fight with throw pillows being hit everywhere in a matter of seconds. One even landed straight on Noah's face while he was busy shielding me, the house that had gone silent the past few weeks now roaring with laughter. Taking the opportunity of seeing the house distracted, Noah grabbed me by the waist and slipped out of the room, straight into the hallways that led us to my room. Giggling under the hand he'd used to silence me, I kicked my legs in the air so he would set me down on the floor.

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