Chapter 35: Partying and Matching Patronuses

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Professor Witman was quickly catching onto the fact that he should not separate Sirius and Lily during his DADA classes. However much chaos they cause while together does not match up to the amount of annoyance that the professor got whenever they were shouting across the room to each other.

Lily and Sirius were being quiet that day though, which was just as alarming, if not more. They had been set the task to review patronuses since the class hadn't gone over them since the previous year.

Every Marauder had been able to cast their patronus, but the girls had not been as lucky because they had not become illegal animagi for Remus too. So, it was natural that Sirius had neglected to even try to complete the spell before helping Lily.

"What would you say your happiest memory is?" Sirius asked as Lily chewed her quill.

"Probably something with James," Lily replied.

"Ooh," Sirius wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Nothing like that ya big prat!" Lily rolled her eyes at his immaturity.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Try it out!"

Lily stood up from her chair just as everyone else had and prepared herself to say the incantation with force. It always worked better that way.

Closing her eyes, she pictured James's crooked smile, his caring, hazel eyes, his raven black curls that she just loved to run her fingers through.

"Expecto patronum!"

A bright jet of light shot out of Lily's wand, blinding nearly everyone else in the vicinity before it dimmed and took the form of a doe. Lily's eyes widened in realization around the same time Sirius's did, but he was the first to take action.

"I'm telling James!" Sirius bolted out the door in pursuit of Minnie's classroom.

"Sirius! Wait, no!" Lily ran out of the room after him.

The transfiguration classroom wasn't that far from the DADA classroom, just a few left turns before the two burst into the class, earning everyone's attention in a few seconds.

"I thought I told the both of you to stay out of my classroom until the end of my lesson! Why are you here?" Minnie asked them both sternly.

"We were practicing patronuses in DADA-" Sirius got cut off by the professor.

"What does that have to do with my classroom?"

James and Remus shared a look at the show in front of them. It was quite amusing, but the two of them had no idea why Lily and Sirius needed to tell everyone about their patronuses.

"Well, you see it has everything to do with your classroom because our friends are here. And one of them happens to have a stag as their patronus," Sirius paused for a dramatic effect.

James perked up at the mention of his patronus, but remained confused as Sirius was withholding information for the time being. What was even more confusing was that Lily was blushing heavily.

"Stop with the dramatics, Sirius," Lily fake scolded.

"I can't help it, it's in the DNA," he smirked back at her.

"Excuse me, you are interrupting my class time, so unless you want detention from me, I would suggest you complete the story," Minnie raised her eyebrows in anticipation.

"My patronus is a doe, which means it matches the stag. Sirius ran down here to shout it out to the world before I could stop him."

"Even if I hadn't ran out of the classroom, there's no way you would've been able to stop me," Sirius said to Lily before she rolled her eyes again.

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