As Wide As Galleons

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Julia braided Annie's hair intricately as if she were pinning it to her head, they couldn't have it flying into her field of vision.

They had decided it would be a calming activity after Annie had almost gone into panic mode over her first quidditch game. Julia came to the rescue as Graham and Hunter had no idea what to do about it, she just sent them on their merry way to breakfast.

"Thanks, Jules!" Annie said cheerfully as she stood up off the ground.

"Breakfast?" Julia asked as they walked out of the portrait hole.

"I'm not very hungry actually," Annie tried to head in the direction of the pitch, but Julia dragged her towards the Great Hall.

"Nice try, buddy! 'Lene said that you need to eat no matter what."

Annie hummed to herself as they walked into the Great Hall and James flagged them down, who was quickly gaining the attention of many people around him, until Remus pulled him back in his seat.

"I see you took the tip of getting your hair braided," Marlene remarked as she had gotten her hair French braided, courtesy of Lily.

"Believe it or not, I actually do listen to what you say," Annie replied putting a single fried egg onto her plate.

"That makes one of you," Marlene spoke as she looked pointedly at James and Sirius.

Julia and Annie raised their eyebrows at them, which promptly made Sirius roll his eyes.

"All we did was prank the Slytherins-"

"After we specifically told you not to and better yet, you got in trouble because McGonagall was in a bad mood!" Lily responded.

"I would love to stay and chat, but we have a quidditch match to win," James kissed Lily on the cheek and got up from the table.

"Good luck!" Lily yelled after the four quidditch players.


Despite never playing the game, Lily found quidditch quite fascinating. Whether it was talking about different strategies with Marlene or cheering Gryffindor on at the matches, she found her happiness levels surge.

Yet, dressing up to go to the matches was never her forte, which is why Mary and Alice always helped her pick out her outfits. However, she now had a separate dorm from the girls, so she was on her own.

"Why would I wear a red jumper when I'm going to wear a coat over top of it?" She asked herself out loud.

Her Fleetwood Mac record spun filling in the silence as she contemplated what the hell she was going to wear.

If I could
Maybe I'd give you my world

"I still need some Gryffindor pride though," she remarked as she looked over her chosen outfit.

Ultimately, she had decided to wear a raven black jumper (the color had reminded her of James's hair), a cream-colored overcoat, and denim wide-leg jeans. She was really lacking in the color department, which she noticed after she laced her black high top Converse up.

How can I
When you won't take it from me

"I'll just steal James's scarf!" She practically yelled in realization.

Surprisingly, James's room was clean to the point where there was nothing on the ground except the furniture, but the walls were an entirely different story.

In the span of three months, starting the fourth, of being at Hogwarts, James had stuck up everything he and the rest of the Marauders had deemed important. There were future prank plans, polaroid pictures, essays, passed notes, and candy wrappers. Merlin only knew why those were up there.

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