Chapter 5: Reasons I Miss You Pt. 1

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Deer Lily-pad,

James is going practically insane without you and is being rather annoying. I liked him better when he wasn't receiving letters from you.

I'll have you know that the meeting with Marlene's family went quite well. Her Gramma El adored me, and I'm not just being cocky. She laughed at everything I said, even when I said my surname, and Marlene said she approved of me in her last letter.

So, how's your summer going right now? From previous letters it sounded terrible, I do hope it improved some how.


That was one of many letters that had sat on Lily's desk for the past day, opened, yet not replied to.

Dear Lils,

Letting Sirius meet my relatives wasn't as bad as I thought it was. Of course he had met each my parents before, which helped, but it was still stressing me out.

I can only thank my brothers for that. The only reason they kept the secret for that long was because I told Marcus I'd kill his pet frog, which my father had to restrain me from doing after Myles told.

It finally sunk in that next year is our last year at Hogwarts. That also kind of freaks me out. The fact that we actually have to get jobs and be normal people in the Wizarding world scares me.

Do tell Petunia I will punch her the next time I see her, but please man up and ask James to go with you. Nothing will happen if you don't want it to, but on the other hand if you do... Make sure to put on lots of chapstick before hand. *wink wink*

Lots of love,

Lily sighed and placed the letter beside her on her overly large bed. She really did miss her friends. She was taking shelter in her room after yet another argument with Petunia. For the past week, her sister had been pestering her to get a date to her wedding. Apparently, any "self-respecting woman" wouldn't go alone and if she didn't ask someone soon Petunia would get one of Vernon's brothers to go with her.

She soon heard the doorbell ring and when she realized McGonagall was "buying groceries", she went to open it. When she found Mary and her younger sister, Julia, on the doorstep with tears rushing down their faces, time stopped.


Dear James,

No, I don't find your letters annoying, but it is a little concerning how little your response time is. Honestly, I don't quite understand how it could take you only one day to respond to me. Give your damn owl a break! I swear the last time she came here, it looked more than half dead.

Writing deer instead of dear isn't that funny and I don't get why the four of you think it's hysterical.

Petunia is being absolutely insufferable. Always criticizing what I wear or how I do my hair, it's like she has nothing better to do. I'm very close to hexing her.

Magic has been good to use for chores. Of course I can't use it in front of anyone, but if I'm alone or no one's watching I can watch the dishes in only a few seconds.

I told McGonagall you send your best wishes, she didn't respond to me, but I could have sworn I saw the faintest smile on her lips. I would've never thought she was the one I was having the most conversations with over the break.

Best wishes,

James smiled like a complete idiot as he read the letter, he wished he could've heard her say all of that in person, but of course he couldn't. He was stuck here and she was stuck there.

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