Lily and Sirius and Their Melodrama

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September 4, 1977
6:34 p.m.
Hospital Wing

Everyone had been discharged from the hospital wing, except Marlene, since her injuries had made her go unconscious for a period of time at the manor.

Madam Pomfrey was being very strict on no extra activities, if it wasn't studying and attending class, you weren't allowed if you had been taken hostage.

However, with classes starting on September 7, Marlene had pleaded to be let out of the hospital wing. She was growing quite bored with nothing to do, though she did enjoy talking to a boy with a strange accent that helped Madam Pomfrey.

So, Lily made her way up to the hospital wing to talk to Marlene per usual and found that Madam Pomfrey was due to discharge her later that night.

"Craig! I haven't talked to you in awhile! How've you been?" Lily asked when she saw him in the hospital wing.

"Quite alright, Lily. I'm shadowing Madam Pomfrey to help her out a bit-"

"Poppy, when am I going to be discharged?" Marlene nearly screeched.

"Sooner rather than later!" The woman replied walking briskly in the other direction.

"Lily! Thank Merlin you're here! All I've had for company since Sirius left was the weird nurse!" She said as Lily sat down next to her bed.

"I heard that!" Craig shouted from somewhere they couldn't see, Lily snorted.

"The weird nurse is a friend of mine, his name is Craig Geyer and he helped me apparate from the train with Annie and Julia."

When James was told that Lily had been the one to take Annie to Hogwarts, he quite literally almost kissed her. Sirius had told him alone because he knew what his reaction would be, but when he saw her again, he hugged her while saying thank you about a hundred times.

"Alright, McKinnon, here's the paper you hand the teacher if you need to get out of class, not if you want but need."

Madam Pomfrey stood there for a moment pondering what to say or do next, she turned to Lily.

"Let me see how the scar is healing, Miss Evans!" She said as Lily swept her hair over one shoulder.

"It's healing, but the scar will most likely never go away fully. Very well, off you go."

"Finally, bloody hell," Marlene muttered.


September 7, 1977
7:05 a.m.
Heads' Common Room

Lily clasped the back of her earring while almost simultaneously grabbing her bag and her shoes.

"Lily! We need to go!" James hollered up the staircase.

"I know, I know. Why couldn't classes have been canceled for another week?" She whined as they practically ran out of the portrait hole and to the front doors.

They both had herbology first, along with Mary, Alice, and Sirius. Marlene, Remus, and Peter had it later that week.

Beating the clock by a mere thirty seconds was not something Lily had planned on, but James had hogged the shower for a horrendous amount of time, giving Lily little to none.

Professor Sprout welcomed them in with a small smile and a tip of her hat, before starting what would be an inevitably boring lesson, that was sure to put at least five of the NEWT students to sleep.

Evans, late to your first NEWT class I see.

Lily looked at James' messy scrawl and rolled her eyes like clockwork, everyone watching the interaction would chalk it up to nothing but a little banter, yet the little banter was what made Lily's day all the better.

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