Marlene's Relatives

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Marlene had wrote to him fourteen days ago asking him to meet her parents as her boyfriend. At first it hadn't seemed like such a big deal. Sirius has met her family before, so it should be a breeze, but then he read further into her letter.


Marlene had gotten home from shopping with her mum accompanied by many bags and a blush. Her mum sent her up to her room to write to Sirius about coming over, so that's exactly what she would be doing.

Dear Sirius,

Myles told my mum. No, the frog death threats weren't enough to stop him. I think he just has a big mouth and can't restrain himself. Although, I had tried my hardest to kill Marcus's frog.

My mum was thrilled! Took me out for pampering and a shopping day! It was fantastic? I was terribly surprised by my mother's wonderful taste in clothing and she has the best gossip you've ever heard.

So, here's why I'm writing to you. Besides the fact that you're my boyfriend and I miss you a whole lot. She decided since you have met my family, that I should invite you over when all of my aunts come over with my grandmother. (My mum's side of the family is having a mini reunion.)

I wanted to warn you because they are very obnoxious and they don't have filters. This means that if you can come on July 15, they will tell you every single thing they're thinking. Every. Single. Thing. If you don't come I won't be offended, I can hardly deal with them myself.

Think about it. My mum said you'd come at around noon and leave after dinner if that suits your schedule. As far as I know the only thing that's on your schedule is Quidditch, unless the lovely Euphemia forces you out of the house.



Present time, Sirius was pacing his shared room with James, who had begun to think his friend had gone mad. He didn't understand how big of a deal it was, as long as Sirius didn't royally fuck it up, he was fine.

"What's the big deal Pads? You're going to be fine!" James got off his bed and passed Sirius to sit down at his desk, where a half written letter sat.

"You're being very insensitive right now!" Sirius continued pacing, not stopping when he stubbed his toe on his bed. This impressed James to the point of almost actually caring what his friend was stressing about. It wasn't that big of a deal.

"Okay fine. What are you worried about?" James turned in his chair to fully face him.

"Her brothers are going to eat me alive!" Sirius shouted, not hearing the laugh from Euphemia as she passed the closed door.

"No, I think they'll kill you first." At this time he turned back around to face the parchment and the pen Lily had sent him.

"Not helping Prongs!"

"I'm sorry I'm just having trouble understanding what you're so scared of, seeing as you've already met Marly's parents. How much worse can her extended family be? And it's not like either of you care about other people's opinions."

Sirius sighed and stopped pacing for a moment.

"Imagine you're dating Lily, which shouldn't be too hard since you do it all the time anyway." Sirius grinned at the glare he received.

"Wow low blow, Pads, real low blow there. Any lower and you would've been eating my shit for lunch!"

Euphemia took it in her hands to break up the bickering before it went any further. As much as she found it amusing, they were getting rather loud and she slightly feared they would set something on fire like last time.

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