A Day in the Life

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Summer days can be spent many different ways. Take the example from the eight friends the story revolves around.

Alice was spending the day with Frank trying desperately to win his mother's approval. She likes to be liked and his mum will be no exception.

Mary was working at a local grocery store, where she bagged and scanned groceries from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Then, she came home to her younger sister and her grandparents.

Marlene spent the day with her brothers playing Quidditch despite her mother's protests and multiple suggestions of what she could be doing instead. After dinner, she would tend to the many letters that had accumulated on her desk.

Peter was never home during the day, he would give his mother lies and tell his friends in a letter that she was sick and he needed to care for her. Only a few people actually knew what he was doing.

Remus was trying his best to be kind to his parents and converse with them about normal things. The only problem was that his family had not been normal since he was the age of four. His father had turned to alcohol to cope and his mother never truly understood what Remus had to go through every month.

The dynamic duo could not be separated, whether it was annoying James's mother in the house or asking James's father about his time in the Auror office, they were creating havoc. What else could you expect from them?

Lily was hanging on. She wanted Petunia to love her like she used to and she wanted her mother to engage with her like normal, but something had shifted when she met Henry.


Petunia huffed with dissatisfaction for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. Lily was wearing a shorter yellow dress and her hair was done in two French plaits, looking truly happy for the first time in a while. Let's see what her sister could do to change that.

"Mum said she might elope." Lily looked up from the morning newspaper and took another sip of coffee.

"Is that so?"

"Yes it is! I don't want you ruining it either, her happiness is-" Lily stood up abruptly.

"I don't want you getting the wrong idea about me, I'm not trying to make mum suffer. Despite your beliefs, I love mum and I'll do anything to make her happy. If that means she's marrying the bastard, then so be it!"

Lily had the full intention of running all the way up the three flights of stairs to her "new" room. The room that Henry and her mum had chosen in the mansion was rather big and Lily didn't believe she needed a room that size. She wanted something with character and that wasn't something this house had, just like how it didn't have the memories. She skidded to a halt when she saw a familiar face sitting on the sofa speaking to her mum and Henry over morning tea.

The woman wore her long hair in a low, tight bun behind her head, like usual, but she was dressed in perfect muggle clothing. A emerald green suit looked odd on her Transfiguration professor, but when she winked at Lily, she took it as her cue to leave the room and opted out of asking any questions, for the time being.


James and Sirius had been ushered outside by his mother because of a Ministry meeting. They sat directly under the hot sun when it was at its highest point in the sky and wondered what could make this any better.

"Mate, what's the date?"

"It's June 20. I can't wait to go back to Hogwarts," James sighed reveling in a time where they didn't have to worry about the outside world.

"Me too. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss Marlene," he grimaced at his words while his friend grinned. "I never thought I could be totally co dependent on someone else."

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