More Than Enough

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A/N: This chapter is going to make many people, very ecstatic. Side note: James' handwriting is in bold, Remus' is in italics, and Lily's is also in italics.


September 21, 1977

Something was wrong, well more than what was usually wrong. Lily could sense it in the way the Marauders were hunched in together like a football team getting ready for the last play of the game, the play that decides who wins. She did not like it, so naturally, she investigated.

They sat in the Great Hall for a breakfast of eggs, toast, bacon, and assorted drinks. While everyone chattered around her, Lily stared at the Marauders because not one of them had looked up from a paper they had been holding in the middle of the table. Of course, she could not see what it said because Sirius was holding his arm over it.

Lily made eye contact with Alice, who had also zoned out of Mary and Marlene's conversation about the best countries to visit over a holiday, and pointed ever so slightly in the Marauders direction.

They looked over in unison to find that the Marauders had all been staring directly at Lily, which was a bit creepy if she had to be honest. Yet, seeing Sirius with worry lines was the freakier thing.

"I'm not going to get involved in whatever this is because it's probably potentially illegal," she said to the group of them.

"We don't need Lily, we need Doe," Sirius stated after which Remus smacked his forehead and James went red in the face.

"Who's Doe?" She raised an eyebrow.

Marlene and Mary had long abandoned their conversation for this much more exciting one filled to the brim with the perfect balance of confusion and suspense.

"Well, technically it's your unofficial Marauder name, but Doe thinks in a way around the rules whereas, Lily thinks how not to break them," Sirius answered.

"I'm not going to question it anymore. Anyway, what do you need my help with, and why are you acting so sketchy?" She asked with a raised brow.

"We can talk about it so out in the open like this since we all have Charms together, we'll collaborate then," Remus said.

"But, read this paper in the meantime," James handed over the paper Sirius had been hiding, and with a few salutes, the Marauders were off the embark on an unknown mission.

"Anyone else think they're acting weirder than normal?" Marlene asked, but Lily wasn't listening for she was already reading the paper.

Problems with Rebecca Cortell being a Werewolf:

It was written in Remus' easy to read handwriting as it was done with much precision, almost like they were planning the biggest prank in their careers. Yet, there was more on the line this time, including their future.

1. She's a werewolf
2. You're all illegal animagi
3. Everything

It might not have been the most specific list, but Lily got the point.

Main Questions:
1. Is Rebecca Cortell trustworthy?
2. If we showed Cortell how them being animagi could help her, would she shut her mouth?
3. Why the fuck did this have to happen?


She walked into the Charms classroom with a shaking hand, bag slung over her shoulder, and a tie in her hand. Yet, she still had the energy to scoot Sirius out of the seat next to James so she could sit there.

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