•Travis 20.

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"So I got this from daddy!" Scoot cheered lightly to himself handing me an open book. I chuckled at his habit of victory with every small thing he accomplished in his life.

I nodded reading through the procedure for the pack land magical protection.

"I was thinking we use this!" He produced a cypher cut in four and held together by I have no idea. "Kinda thought the stop light concept would be easy enough."

He explained how each section indicated a direction, it made it a little less accurate than what we used before but at least this wouldn't require constant concentration from the Caster's as it would sustain itself. It would light up red yellow or green like a stop light, red for danger, yellow for caution, there was no need for just green since it would most likely be a friend and if it were a stranger we'd probably find out through patrol since no enemy or potential threat would come through proper channels.

We set the thing down in the backyard, we felt it should be seen by everyone so as to prepare for the measures of evacuation if necessary and also because each member deserved to know exactly what was happening around them. We placed it in the ground, kneeling before it we placed our hands on the area around it, my hands on top of his and we channeled our energy into it and pulled from the earth to sustain it.

Scoot mumbled words below his breath and a mild tremor ran through the ground. All around us a wave of grey stretched, spreading past the trees to where our borders began. Scoot held up his hand for a high five which I rolled my eyes and supplied.

"Uncle Travy!" I stumbled forwards as my niece collided with my back, rubbing her nose into my hair.

"Get off him!" I turned to see Kalika fuming at the sight, her pet boa beside her and making its way towards us. I held up my hand as it aimed to strike my niece who squealed in surprise, stumbling off me.


"You're mine, uncle Travy!" She stomped her foot and the snake hissed I stared as it tried to get past the barrier. I growled then my eyes glowing.

"Kalika, stop it. Who said a person belongs only to one person? Why are you trying to attack your family?"

"She not family." I held my niece as my god uncle's daughter seethed glaring.

"Kalika," I sighed then as Scoot went over to her, he grabbed the snake and glared at her. "We don't attack family, now that's your god uncle's niece and weather or not you like it, it's a fact."

The girl stomped her foot and turned away. Scoot held a rather angry boa in one hand which soon needed to be two and I held my niece wondering why the hell that even happened.

Once I had calmed her down I told Kathryn what happened and I was sure Scoot told Theo and Winston the same story. I checked the time and realised that Regina had asked to hang out.

I found my way to the local diner and she was there, staring out the window and drinking club soda.

"Sorry I'm late."

"You should be, I nearly killed a woman."

"What she do?" I grinned at her.

"She thought she could get away with being beautiful."

"Your reasons for murder are shocking every time." She flashed me a bright smile and we ordered.

We talked and caught up with each other, she had yet to find her mate and was in no rush to even look for them. She was an apprentice for some business woman and she enjoyed the fact that being such allowed her to travel. During our time her phone would buzz and she'd tell me it was the woman. She called her Seren.

"So, you and Raphael, how'd that end up?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you guys continue dating? Did you find your mate?"

"I found my mate and we never dated."

"Who are they?"

"Raph." She paused looking up at me, her eyes bright a flicker of something passed over her before she shook her head.

"That is some turn. So I guess you two have been together the past year?"

"No...we're...working things out."

"He rejected you?" My brows furrowed at the blatant interest she had.

"No, and I recall you once promised not to ask me about him." I dropped the hint lightly and she waved her hand.

"That was high school and that was before you told me he was your mate." She smirked at me then. "Guess you guys won't waste time getting a little Phoebe on the way, or will you go with little Oni?"

"A little to soon, Gina." She raised her hands at my clipped tone and laughed.

She excused her self for the bathroom and I stared at my half finished food and felt a sinking pit in my stomach. I shook my head then and took out my phone.


So you did find my number. Is this where I message the police?

I smiled at the reply and shook my head.

Don't be so dramatic. Are you busy?

Because you asked, yes, yes I am.

I'll see you in 30.

The fact that he even responded was enough for me to snort. Gina came back then slowly making her way and stoic faced. She needed to smile more when she walked around alone. She looked ready to kill.

"So, there's this club I found out of town."

"Oh no, you're a party person now." She snorted.

"I've always been, anyway, we should go there together sometime." I met her unsteady gaze and she quickly averted hers which gave me some feeling she was hiding something. I nodded anyway. "It's called Spill, all the young kids go there too."

"Why would I be enticed with the prospects of young kids?" I made a disgusted face and she laughed.

"Not like young young, more our age group."

"Then use adult, not kids."

"Some of us are still kid-like."

"Club and kid don't go in a sentence together. Please.

We split the bill and left the diner, Gina went her own way and I got into my car, I checked my reflection and started my car when I caught Gina and some woman talking, Gina stared at the ground and nodded the whole time, biting her lip and rubbing her arm. They then got into a bright red car and drove off.

Shaking off the entire thing I drove over to Raphael who looked me up at down, rolled his eyes and allowed me to get in wordlessly. It was adorable, how he didn't even try to fight my presence. It made me very very happy.

I gifted him with another love note which he blushed for and placed on the living room table. I bothered him with questions about what he was up to and even got him to watch a movie with me.

Written: 15 August 2020

3. Travis Phoebe (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now