•Raphael 30

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Selina was panicked, shaking as she came before me. I stood from my seat at the side of the board meeting chair. I rushed over to her, ignoring my colleagues and grabbed her by the arm, leading her outside I cupped her jaw.

"What's wrong?"

"They took him- th-they took Travis." I felt my body grow colder than it could be. "I wasn't- I wasn't-" she shook her head, the tears finally falling.

"Look at me," her bewildered eyes met my calm seething ones and I held her. "Slowly, tell me everything you saw and know."

Like a switch her mind fixed, calming and she told me. "On campus, he was waiting for his next class to start, it looked like he was angry but on the phone he started smiling. This girl- or boy, I'm not sure, came up to him and it looked like nothing but then this man suddenly stood beside Travis, he had his fangs out and Travis, he-he fell back for a moment- it was quick," she kept searching my eyes as she spoke fast and detailed. "He was suddenly standing with them and they put shades on him and he walked with them. I didn't like it, something seemed wrong so I followed behind them when Travis got into the car he collapsed. It was like whatever had made him walk just got out of him and he just... fell into the car and they left. I've- I've been calling you since."

"Selina, listen to me carefully." I allowed my calming words register in her mind and she nodded listening carefully. "You're going to go back to your apartment, okay? You told me everything and I'm going to handle it, you don't have to worry anymore, okay? Travis will be fine."

"He'll be fine. You got this." She smiled then, her shoulders slumping and behind her I saw one of my Oni clan members, I indicated for him to take her home before I felt my blood boil then.

I felt it, the unsettling feeling of my life as I knew it coming apart. I left work without notice and headed for the only place I could think of that had me on guard for the longest time.

Spill was operating even during the day, more as a restaurant than a club during this hour. Seren really was money hungry to overwork her people however, being vampires it wasn't a real strain, but even we need time off.

I made my way in, scanning the place where once had been a dance floor were tables and people of wealthy upbringings ate lunch together. I couldn't scent him and while I was hanging onto my sanity with everything I could so I could find him, it was hard.

"What can I get you?"

"A meeting with the owner would be nice."

The bartender looked me over and raised a brow. "Our Mistress doesn't see just anybody, especially during the day."

"She'll want to see me." He rolled his eyes and shook his head determined to ignore me. "Tell her Raphael Oni is here." He paused recognising my clan name, he huffed and took out his phone sending a text before shrugging.

"We'll see if your worth seeing."

It took thirty minutes, I sat patiently before I was tapped on the shoulder. I was escorted by a beautiful woman dressed like a hostess. She lead me towards a darker section of the ground floor, pulling back a curtain to an opened door. I was taken forward into an office where Seren had herself perched on a desk in a blue pencil skirt and barefoot.

There was an androgynous looking person in the corner on a sofa twiddling their fingers and playing with the piercing on their lip. They had really short red hair and I caught their baby green eyes before they just stared at the ground. Familiar yet I couldn't tell you where I'd seen them before.

"My pet is a little shy, try not to stare, they don't like it."

"I wasn't aware you had a new pet." I caught the scent of a caster. "A powerful one at that." Seren smirked at me.

3. Travis Phoebe (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now