•Travis 5.

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I was panting, staring at my sister who stood in defence above my crouched form. I growled then and stood, lunging for her, I threw a punch and she twirled around to duck, standing beside me, she whirled her leg high and kicked me in the stomach. I growled and fell forward, kicking my leg out to trip her, she stumbled back into a flip and landed in a crouch.

She was faster than me, pushing forward she came at me full force, sweat dripping down both our faces, she threw a punch which I caught and twisted, she growled at me and used her elbow which I stopped with wide eyes having not seen it coming before pushing her back, I came towards her and got her in the side.

We fought hard, not holding back, she tackled me to the ground, straddling me, hitting my face and I pushed her stomach enough to bring my leg up and kick her off. She landed on her back with a groan and I called it.

"Time!" I panted staying in my position on the ground feeling tired and heated, glad for the cool might air with cooling me down.

"That was fun." Kathryn chuckled as she came to stand over me, panting and her hands on her hips.

"Speak for yourself." I groaned rolling onto my side. "You ruined my face didn't you."

"It's just a small bruise." She smirked holding up her fingers in a pinching form and I scowled at her.

"You promised."

"When have I ever?" She flipped her hair before looking over behind me, she tilted her head to the side. "Who is that?"

Turning I was met with an unbelievable sight. Raphael emerged from the shadows and my lips fell open at the bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"Oh! Someone has a boyfriend."

"Shut up."

I stared at the boy while my sister snickered and went off into the house. I bit my lip and cursed running over to him.

"Are you trying to make me out to be a bad guy?"

"Is it working?"

"I will kick you!" He chuckled and the flowers were thrust into my chest, the smell of their calming aroma had me sighing.

"I just wanted to apologize is all."

"You seem to be doing that a lot."

"Well, I seem to have stepped on your toes somehow." I pursed my lips taking the flowers, I felt myself heat up and he reached for me, his finger tapping my chin, he stared at me with furrowed brows, his beautiful full eyes swimming with irritation. "I assume your sister is to blame for this?" I stepped back looking away.

"It'll heal."


We seemed to stare at one another for a second too long.

"Are you going to be doing this more often?" I motioned to the flowers and gave a pointed look.

"I don't give up that easily and if you love flowers, I'd be more than happy to bring you a bouquet everyday."

"That seems excessive."

I blushed looking down, hiding my face in the flowers, I hated myself just a little for my heart which gave a flutter, however, I've never been one to disregard the efforts of others, especially when they tried the way Raphael was.

Looking back at the house I cursed hoping my brother and Alpha wasn't seeing this exchange. I gave another curse knowing he probably sensed someone due to the barrier which surrounded the pack lands. It had been altered that only those of sinister intensions or who pose serious threat to us would be stopped or sensed faster than random good willed individuals. It was complicated and in this moment annoying.

"If that is all."

"Goodnight, Travis Phoebe."

He was gone in a blinked and I sighed sniffing the flowers again. I looked down at them and bit my lips before I ventured in another direction in the woods. I came to a small pond, I unwrapped the flowers, their stems barely alive in my hand, I levitated the bouquet and with magic through a wave of my hand, I brought them down and my hands in a claw movement coming out of the ground, the flowers took root then, brightening as the earth flowed through them, giving them the life taken from them through being picked.

I took the wrapper in my hand and folded it. Staring at the ground I furrowed my brows and shook my head.

"Just returning nature to itself. Nothing special." I turned from the flower bed of red and blue and green. I went back to the house and cursed as Claude stood waiting and glaring.

"I will do my homework now,yeah."

I was about to walk past him when he spoke freezing me in my spot.

"Why did the vampire come here? Again?"

"It's not what you think." I sighed.

"And what do you believe I think?" I pursed my lips looking down. "Are you two together?"

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I growled lowly, running a frustrated hand through my hair then.


"No. Okay?" I looked up at my older brother and sighed, my jaw clenching. "I'm not with him."

"Are you planning to?"

"I don't see how it's any of your business."

"I'm your brother."

"Yes. You are, but that in no way means that I owe you anything." He blinked, his arms twitching as he reared his head back. "Not everyone hold grudges against entire species over one incident." I felt my throat clog itself as my own eyes burned mildly. "So, please...save your lectures."

I looked away from his hurt look then and growled my way to my room feeling irritated. I loved my brother, I did, but sometimes it was just difficult to deal with his own pain reflected through one moment. The day haunted me too, but I couldn't let it dictate how I treated every vampire I came across. I pursed my lips knowing his wound was deeper, more profound and shook my head in irritation over recalling painful parts of life.

I began doing my homework, sliding the bouquet wrapper into an empty draw by my desk. Once I was done, my face was lightly throbbing and nearly healed. Unlike every one else around me, I preferred to heal slowly, a reminder for me that I could get hurt and that I was as human as they came despite being a hybrid wolf.

I slipped into my bed and stared at my window, I preferred to sleep with the curtains open, the moonlight trickling in and the stars within view. It was calming for me, to stare at the sky so peaceful.

I thought of my sister then, Danielle and felt a dull ache for missing her. I prayed she was okay, that she was well looked after and that I'd get to see her again, even just once.

The next few days Raphael brought me more flowers. It was always at night, the bouquet was the same, I took them to the same pond and I planted them in the earth, a fine pattern was beginning and I tried to ignore it. I wasn't doing anything wrong. I wasn't.

Claude watched in silence, he didn't ask me anything anymore, all we spoke of was the pack and life and never a certain vampire. Kathryn would tease me about how cute it was to get flowers from someone. Trent was chill as he is about everything.

I didn't realise until the weekend came and I stood outside before heading for my cousin's party. I was expecting him, I waited for a good hour before I grew irritated with myself for waiting, for having grown so used to him showing up that I could barely leave without atleast being here when he came by.

He played me, didn't he?

Written: 15 August 2020

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