•Travis 29.

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I was left alone for a very long time. A few hours in and I felt a whole lot better, more like myself except there was a problem. At first I tried to pull at my restraints, break them with my heightened strength when every time I tried a strange sense of fatigue washed over me so fast that I couldn't even actually try. Then I focused on my magic, I tried to summon every ounce I could and nothing. The room was completely spelled to hold me effectively and that's when I knew I was in a shit ton of trouble.

I was brought a meal then by the very person who made it possible for me to be captured. Now that I was better and my mind less dizzy, I realised they were really young and very timid.

"Mistress said you could have this."

I stared at the plate of two very good looking burgers and chips. I looked back at the person who offered me a sad closed lipped smile which didn't reach their eyes and I wondered if they were even aware of what they were doing and how wrong it was. Compulsion wasn't impossible on casters just not so easy considering we would need to completely trust the vampire enough to give them the opportunity.

"Are you going to feed me?"

"Yeah, sorry, we aren't allowed to untie you." I nodded then feeling quite simply defeated and starving and nobody can think on an empty stomach.

I allowed them to feed me, giving me two glasses of water right after. "Thanks." They nodded and got ready to leave. "Do you have a name?" They paused at the door and half turned back to me.


Thora left me alone then and I closed my eyes with a sigh. I tried to reach out to my pack and could not. That only further proved that the magic on this room was definitely strong.

"Please..." I murmured to myself. "Someone..."

I don't know how long I was kept but nobody came to see me. Not even Seren, after the first initial visit, probably so I wouldn't agonise over who kidnapped me, she never came again nor did Thora. A random human came to bring me food a total of six times and to wash me before it happened.

I was naked, they dressed me in nice looking Calvin Klein briefs and my make up was even done which I protested to so harshly not because I had anything against it but now was not the time to be attractive.

"Mistress insists you wear this," the vampire hissed at me, grabbing my face as I hissed at them. I spat at her and she didn't like that. A harsh punch came my way and I groaned at the force which made it so blood came out of my mouth. Fuck her.

"Enough." Seren entered in a pants suit, looking fabulously dangerous. "Damaged goods make for poor prices."

I felt my heart sink as she confirmed my existing theory, why else would I be in make up?

"You won't get away with this."

"Oh?" Seren laughed, the melodic sound husky and short as she stepped closer to me, her hands behind her back as she tilted her head. "Raphael came to see you..." I kept the hard glare on me. " Unfortunately, even if he knows, there is no proof to tie your disappearance to me." She gave me a disappointed pout. "And with the help of magic," she touched my lip, the part my blood dribbled from and brought it to her own lips and I growled. "I can basically deliver your corpse to him if I wanted to. Isn't that just lovely?"


She looked down at her watch and smiled. "I have really wealthy men and women coming to see you. Get a good price and I'll share my backstory, mmkay?"

She turned from me then and I sighed as the vampire girl began putting on my make up, laughing at my demise. I stared at her for the longest time, memorizing her glee. I would have her head.

Now, the men and women filed in, all of them seated around the chairs attached to the walls, they did not hide their excitement at the sight of me, I bit my lips then and made sure to commit everyone of their faces to memory because they would all be going on my shit list.

The bid began at 2 million which was absolutely insane but Seren was glad. I was sold to a man who, if circumstances were different I could admit him to being extremely attractive, at the humiliating price of 45 million.

Once it had been decided he would be my master they all left with pouts, waving at me like I was some pet they really wanted. The man and Seren spoke of my delivery which would be made once the man paid the deposit of 20 million.

I was given a rather pitiful gift then, the man walked up to me, smiling and touched my cheek ever so lightly, his touch so cold and told me he couldn't wait. His eyes were warm despite it all, bright red and he winked. Seren clapped once he was gone.

"I must say, perhaps it's because your a hybrid but, you sold rather modestly."

"I hardly call 45 modest."

"I have full breed casters going for 100." She smirked. My eyes widened as it dawned on me, I couldn't help wonder how many so far had fallen into this, magic barely just got back into the world and already the few casters alive are being taken? And nobody even knew.

I frowned then and she brought the remote in her hand up to my view, she pressed a button and I began turning. Looking up and noticed the chains were hocked up to a movable ceiling, she pressed another and the walls above the built in seating turned to windows, brightening I saw the worst thing I could ever see.

I got the look of other rooms around mine, boys and girls knelt down, most of them looked much younger than me if not around the same age, naked save for the underwear which was of fancy made, all of them beautiful, unlike me they were not tied to the ceiling, they weren't tied at all, staring at the ground and bidding for them was going on.

There was a total of 12.

"Casters are rare still, and knowing how their blood affects us, they make for an excellent product. Wealthy vampires all over the globe visit me for nothing but the best."


"No, darling. Liberator."

"You set the world back a few decades with this. Slavery? Really? Can you be anymore cliché?"

"Nobody is here against their will but you." She clicked the button and I saw red walls, my contraption turned me to her and she smiled.

"That may be what your twisted mind has brought you to believe, but trust me when I say, nobody wants to belong to a vampire. Not like this.

"And yet you beg for Raphael to save you, last I checked, he is a vampire."

"That's different. He doesn't own me, he didn't purchase me like some article of clothing, no, like some meal at a fast food store." She laughed at my quick change.

"Think what you will, Travis. If you didn't notice, unlike you, they aren't tied up or anything," I clenched my jaw then.

"You won't get away with this."

"Oh, but I have. Once you go to Lord Wordwell, you won't even remember this place, or the life you lived." She came up to my face and whispered into my ear, my eyes widening then. "You won't even know your name."


Written: 16 August 2020

3. Travis Phoebe (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now