•Travis 3.

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A few weeks past and it seemed we could cope. Regina had been slightly distant and nobody would really explain to me why, she barely offered much explanation however I didn't allow myself to feel beaten up about it considering she and I had only become friends a year ago.

I shifted into my wolf, shaking out my soft snow white with black patched fur and took a run. Feeling the wind through my fur relaxed me, my paws dug ino the earth, I felt it's life, my soul connecting to the nature around me in a way nobody could really understand. I felt comforted by the tall trees around me, by the sounds of stray animals within hearing and as far as I could.

I slowed to a stop panting, I puffed out my chest feeling the wind in my fur and closed my eyes, I sat then feeling peaceful, flashes of beautiful brown littered with flecks of red came to mind, tan skin beneath my fingertips entered my mind and I sighed at the reminder of him which plagued me. I focused on the sounds around me hoping to find peace, and rest from the thoughts of a single vampire. I thought I'd catch my Griffin's call atleast.

"It sure is a beautiful day, for a run." I opened my eyes slowly and remained unmoved as his body collapsed beside me.

"Funny running into you here." I growled in response, still not able to look towards him."aw, come on now," his hand ran through my fur and I snapped my head over to him, baring my teeth, I narrowed my gaze and stood, he grinned raising  his hands in surrender and leaning away.

I wasn't sure where this feeling of annoyance with him came from. I had no reason to snap at him and yet I did. Was it perhaps because time with him, as brief and satisfying as it was, lead to a good friend ignoring me?

"Suddenly not allowed to touch you?" He tilted his head relaxing, leaning back onto his hands as I remained unmoving and instead watched him. "How quickly one changes. What? Did my suggestion put you off that much?"

I blinked, licking my snout at his words, reminding me why looking at him now was so painful for me, so very meaningful and how he had ultimately forced me to be this way.

"If it makes it better, I take it back."

For one or another reason that hurt me more. While it had been meerly 72hours I spent with him, he awoke something that should have never been touched. I shifted before him then and sighed standing up straight. I looked down at him, he stared at my body, his eyes trailing up my thighs to me exposed flesh, it excited me to feel his gaze, to see his lips part in surprise at the fact that I was aroused, his heart skipping as faint as it was. I enjoyed it.

"Once the wind feels the thought, nothing could be undone."

"That," he began to stand, blinking away from my package. "Sounds ominous."

"You think poetry is ominous?"

"In it's own way, say it carefully and you start to feel how profoundly disturbing it can be." I snorted and he hooked his thumb into the loop of his jeans.

"Why are you here, Raphael?"

"I was hoping to convince you."

"I said no."

"And I don't like that answer."

I folded my arms over my chest and sighed looking towards the settings sun.

"You seem to have developed a pattern."

"I recall you find these... Excitingly calming." He stood behind me, his words like the wind blowing through my hair and I sighed, my body reacting on its own and leaning back into his chest, his arms wrapped around me.

"You're encouraging."

"So are you."

I paused then and shook my head.

3. Travis Phoebe (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now