Chapter 15

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                “GUYS! There’s fresh baked cookies in the kitchen!!!! Man this hotel is the best!! I never wanna go back home!!!!” Gabe shouted with chocolate all over his face. “Come on Sammy try one!”

                Gabe threw a cookie at Sam, hitting him straight in the face. The freshly made cookie stuck on Sam’s forehead and then slowly streamed down. With a trail of wet chocolate following it.

                “You’re gonna pay for that!” Sam screamed playfully.

                “Uh-oh,” Gabe said taking off through the room, Sam close on his heels.

                “I’ll help!” Luc smiled, jumping up from the couch where Michael and him were relaxing and watching Netflix.

                “Luuuuuc. Great now my pillow is gone.” Michael whined burring his head into the couch cushion.

                “Get over here ya little twerp!” Luc yelled chasing Gabe around the enclosed space along with Sam.

                After several minutes of the unsuccessful chase the elevator opened. “Hey you guys ready to get something to….What the hell.” Mr. Milton exclaimed standing just outside the elevator.

                “Oh hey Mr. M! “ Gabe said cheerfully stopping in front of him.

                “Here’s that cookie you wanted Gabe!” Sam shouted throwing the cookie toward Gabriel.

                “Yikes!” Gabriel ducked and SMACK!

                The cookie hit Michael’s dad square in the face.

                The room went still. Nothing moved….except the cookie that was slowly making its way down Mr. Milton’s face. After a few more seconds of absolute fear and silence Mr. Milton whipped the cookie off of his face looked at himself in the mirror to his left and started cracking up.

                “HAHAHAHA ha ohhh boy haha! Anyone want to explain what was happening before I got attacked by this cookie.” Mr. Milton chuckled. “No wait lets save that story for dinner…well maybe we should all get cleaned up first. I’ll be back down in five minutes then we can get going.”

                “My dad took that incredibly well.” Michael said sitting on the counter of his and Luc’s bathroom that was adjoined to their room.

                “Mikey, your dad is a cool guy. I don’t know why you can’t see that babe.” Lucifer said throwing on a different shirt. “Have you told him about us yet?”

                “Hmm?” Michael said confused.

                “Ya know. Have you told him that we are dating? Like does he know that we are a couple?” Luc said sitting down next to Michael and staring at him.

                Michael paused a moment. “No.” he said shamefully. “I don’t know how he would react and I don’t want him to think of me as a disappointment since I’m his only child and he’s never gonna have another kid since my mom….since my mom.” Michael stopped. Tears were filling his eyes. He leaned up against Luc and Luc hugged him tightly.

                “Baby I know it’s hard, but that’s just it you don’t know how he would react. Your dad is a lot cooler than you give him credit for and I know your mom would love you for who you are and your dad will too. Trust me. Okay?” Luc said resting his head on Michael’s.

                “Are you mad at me cause I haven’t told him?” Michael sniffled.

                “Of course not. Take your time. But if ya wait till we’re out of Hawaii then we won’t be going on any romantic couple’s messages things in a while…just lettin ya know.” Luc smiled and Michael laughed and pushed him a little.

        Helllllloooo my fantasticle readers!!! I have a question for you and here it tis

                Who is your favorite character in this story so far???

Mine is Luc and Mr. far

                I know kinda a lame question but I'm running low on ideas for questions so if you think of any PLEASE let me know!!!

        Annnnny way I'll see ya next chapter LOVE YA'LL <3 ;3

An eventful break in Hawaii (Destiel/Sambriel/Micifer) SupernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now