24 Screwed

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Just because i love you all and you asked me for double update!! Enjoy 😘

Sitting opposite to each other far from our holds, yet our eyes never leave the game. It's as if, loads of unspoken words are being exchanged between us.

As promised, I am being dragged down to this house party that Rose and Jisoo enthusiastically threw for just us. I don't see a single person who is alien to me, everyone are just happy faces with alcohols, weeds and cigarettes in the air.

Jungkook smirks as he finds out I am unable to leave my sight away from him, and I being a cocky bitch, I still eye him shamelessly. His t-shirt hangs lose on his body letting me have a taste of his masculinity and oh, his thighs. I still remember how wonderful it felt to ride on them.

I am glad the music is on the lowest level according to the ease of conversation going around. I don't like to go on steamy parties where I would struggle to find even a single familiar face or stumble upon some drunken horny man looking out for an easy fuck. Those parties are only waste of time and mood in the search of booze. And the moment we're in right now is perfect. I can hear both The Weeknd singing by the speaker one of my favorite song and also I can hear clearly Jin boasting about his achievements. Hell I can even hear Yoongi snoring at the far end of the couch next to cheerful Hoseok.

And I guess Taehyung and Jisoo are off to somewhere alone since I was talking to them few minutes ago and now they're nowhere to be seen. Jimin is basically high on his joint as he is flirting with Rose and I can se she is clearly enjoying that. Maybe she like him too. I shrug my shoulders and try to get back on what Namjoon is saying after agreeing with his boyfriend, but then my attention gets drifted back to pouting bunny next to him eying his drink in disinterest. I laugh to myself and his eyes snap back to me with red tints across his cheeks. I noticed he hasn't touched his beer neither he blew out a smoke or joint that Jimin is basically forcing to the younger. What the hell is he upto?

"You and Jungkook finally a thing now?" I get startled hearing Yugyeom whispering to my ear. I roll my eyes and change the topic completely.

"Why Jackson isn't here, wasn't he invited?" Yugyeom sighs before easing his back on the leather couch and eyes me lazily.

"You were right about him being strange. He doesn't walks out of his room for fuck's sake."

"That's strange." I mumble and he hums. Honestly, I feel equally responsible for Jackson being like this. He thinks that I don't know what I am doing and it pins me the most. After all Jackson is a very important part of my life.

It has been a while since I joined this party and I won't lie, I really had fun with them. I helped Jin and Jisoo to cook us some unhealthy boozer food for the side with alcohols and also made some great bonding with Jimin and Jin both. We also played some board games that I suck at but I was laughing more than sulking. Even Diana looks like she's having fun with Lisa and Hoseok. I even find her eyeing Yoongi time to time whenever he would show his presence.

I excuse myself from the heavy conversations and walk off to go to washroom. And as soon as I am out of it, I jump up in surprise feeling my heart out of my throat.

"You scared the shit out of me." I breathe out and Jungkook laughs running his hand through his hair. He's leaning back on the wall next to the bathroom door with his hands tucked inside the jeans pocket.

"You looked hilarious." He says straightening his position and walking up to stand in front of me. "But didn't mean to scare you off." He tilts his head looking right at me.

"I bet you had fun then." His lips tug up into a boyish grin.

"You know I could have fun in many different other ways." Taking a small step closer, he reaches out to snake his hand around my waist. Besides the fact that I am burning with his straightforward words on the inside, I play along.

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