4 The Funeral

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I drive my car inside the gates of my university and straight take the car to where I usually park. As soon as I am about to park in, someone else stuffs his bike there making me groan. I curse under my breath and frown looking in front of me. I appreciate that it is a nice bike, but what the hell is wrong with its owner? Didn’t he see I was about to park my vehicle over there.

The guy cuts the engine of his bike off and hops out of it. I roll my windows down and peep my head out to shout at him. “Hey.” I shout at the biker and he immediately turns his head to see me. I cannot see his entire face; he has a giant helmet on with his visor full blacked. “Take your ride somewhere else to park.” I am already annoyed due to much reason today, and this man is totally ruining my day.

“That was rude.” He comments and it sounds familiar. He walks closer to my car and takes his helmet off. Jungkook? He chuckles and leans down on the window staring at me. “Why don’t you take you’re pretty Chevy somewhere else to park?” he suggests tilting his head. It is now I realise his face is too close to me.

“That’s where I park every day.” I bark back and he chuckles looking away around before staring back at me and narrowing his eyes.

“Too bad, I borrowed it today,” he smirks again and stands up straight ruffling his hair, “doll.” I clench my jaw and close my eyes to heave a sigh. “See you at the gym.” He chimes walking away carrying his helmet along with him. Why does it has to be me?

I glare at his bike for a minute straight before giving up and parking somewhere else. Well… my day is ruined already.

“I told my dad to hurry with forensics as you asked.” Diana says beside me. I turn my head and send her a nod.

“Thanks.” I say and she smiles.

“How’s Derry? He was pretty close with him.” She asks twirling a strand of hair in her fingers.

“He is terrible.” I sigh and we halt our conversation as soon as the professor enters the lecture hall. “You gonna be there at the funeral?” I ask Diana walking out of the class.

“Yeah… I should be there.” That’s a terrible thing. We are not practically gonna be there because of Roger, we’re gonna be there to make Derry feel better, but I guess, for a day I could change my mind and could go there just for Roger himself.

While changing myself in the robe and shorts, I wonder what would’ve actually happened with him. It concerns me who killed him. And there is a great chance that the person who killed him knows that I have blue diamonds. Because I personally informed Roger to get the box from the dealers, and the dealers scheduled the meeting with him exactly by six. And by four, he informed Derry that he cannot go there when he was super excited at the very first place.

It could bet that he was forced to tell Derry to go instead of him. And this also says that, the person also knew about my meeting from the start.

“Elizabeth Markel.” My name being called out loudly from outside snaps me back to present. It is Mr Harrison. I tie the robe tightly before running back into the gym. I find few students lining in the middle of the gym wearing same clothes as mine but different belts. I walk towards where Jackson is and I frown when I see the person standing behind him.

“The rule is simple here,” Mr Harrison speaks, “only four of the best candidates will be chosen for the state’s sports championship. So pupils, give your best shots.” He says and I have this strong feeling that three would be Jackson, I and Jungkook.

Mr Harrison begins the match and almost after having four sets and checking in the semi-finalists, he calls off the match until tomorrow. Jackson and I knew we cannot attend the college tomorrow since its Roger’s funeral and he said he would ask permission from Mr Harrison after the lectures end.

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