21 Little Escape

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I break free my hand instantly hearing his request and give him the evil eye of mine. "Have you lost your mind?" The truth is that I am the one who has lost the mind right at this very moment. "How can you act like a dick and then plea me to give you one more chance?" I scoff. "And why would I give you another chance when nothing ever happened? You made it pretty clear after that day that you had nothing to do with me. So why is it bothering you n-" I get caught completely off guard with this sudden action of his.

He cuts me off by taking a step closer and pressing his lips with mine. My eyes are wide like saucers and my heart has stopped beating. He has held my hand again in his giant clasp and his another hand moves around to circle my waist bringing me back to my senses. While I am here standing like a rock, Jungkook is trying hard to get me to act back on his effort. I take in a deep breath that I regret after smelling his toxic perfume and close my eyes shut. Summoning all of my strength, I make a fist of my free hand and back away to punch him right across his face without looking at him.

I hear him groan and grunt in pain and finally open my eyes to see him crunching down holding his face in his hand with a pained expression all over his face. My face is burning all over like a fire cracker and my heart isn't ready to catch a normal pace. Jungkook grunts and I see the corners of his lips got a cut spilling some blood. He deserved it.

"You earned it." I say when I compose myself back. I don't know why hit him. Maybe because I was frustrated and needed to take it off on someone or maybe it was him who pissed me off. I needed some action.

"I don't like being hit on face." He groans his cocky comment even after this and I scoff.

"You are really one hell of an arrogant brat." I spit and turn around to leave.

"Wait-" he speaks and I hear some shuffling going in my back. I turn around and see him standing on his two staring at me while swiping the blood away with his thumb. "I am sorry Eli. I know I am a coward and I don't know how to deal with all this shit. But what I feel for you is sincere and true." His charcoal eyes are the best part of his entire feature. I notice sometimes he wear hazel lenses or blue too, but his real blackness is the one that always draws me closer to him. "Whenever I am with you, I feel happy. I want to be with you every time. I think of you every time." When he sees I don't react on his words, he dares to take steps closer to me. "And the entire week when I pushed you away, I realised how stupid I am. I don't know how to put this up," he takes my hand in his and never breaks the eye contact, "I hate it when any other  guy looks at you or touch you." A squeeze to my hand with his big one is enough to flutter my heart. "I want you to be mine... all the time."

When I say my head did all three sixty degree spin, that's true. And my heart, that's the different story. Even though I hurt his jaw pretty bad, he is still trying his hard. I know him and I know how much of courage he must have gained to tell me this. But something in deep in my heart says that this isn't right. But what do I listen to? Do I listen to what I see and what I hear and what I feel or do I listen to what my instincts say. I can never push Jungkook away that's for sure but that means I am trapped.

With him, I don't have the urge to be responsible. I feel like he can be the one responsible for me. Whenever I am with him, I don't have the bitter feeling of having the entire world around my shoulder. With him, I feel alive and wanted and loved. He makes me happy, he makes me smile even in the most darkest days and he makes me question about all the things I have been doing my entire life till now.

"Did you recite all of these lines from cliche dramas?" I ask and he breaks into a wide grin and wince immediately as his cut stretches. Instinctively, I reach out to touch his cut to see it. "I am not sorry for this." I mumble trying to see how bad it is by touching his lower lip. He grabs my hand in his and my eyes snaps up to meet his.

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