11 Tempting Offer

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After making sure Derry and Mr Kim is taking care of Gorge’s body, Jungkook drives me back home. Jackson informs me that he is taking Lillian home after making sure that her reports are normal and I take in a breath of relief. The ride back home is totally silent and we both live in our own minds. Thoughts are here and there, and I cannot feel very tired now. It could be because I have been walking around in high heels and tight dress or because of the amount of the champagne and bourbons I had.

I didn’t realise when I doze off and my eyes open wide when I hear Jungkook calling my name. “Eli?” his hand lands on my shoulder and I take a breath looking at him. He chuckles at my alert look. “We’re here.” He says smiling and I look out of the window to see we are in my driveway.

“Oh.” I stifle a yawn. “I am sorry.” I say and Jungkook laughs and I join him too.

“You must be tired.” He says opening his door and I so the same.

“Very.” I stretch my arms when I step out of the car. I shiver when the night winds hit my bare shoulders making me wrap my arms around my arms. That’s when I see Jackson pulling the car in the driveway. “Oh, he has also arrived.” I say.

“Hey are you okay?” Jackson runs towards me immediately and elopes me in a tight hug taking me by surprise.

“Yeah.” I mumble timidly and rub my neck when he pulls apart. He nods and sighs before going back to his car and opening the backseat. If I am not wrong, in the corner of my sight I saw Jungkook frowning before running towards Jackson and helping him Lillian get out.

“Is she unconscious till now?” I ask and Jackson nods.

“Doctor said she was given a strong sedative. She will wake up fine in the morning.” He informs. Jungkook carries Lillian and I ask Jackson to not to worry about and that he should get back. He doesn’t say anything else while I watch him driving out of the driveway.

“Come on in.” I ask Jungkook who carries Lillian. He lay her down on her bed and I pull the comforter to cover her. I sit by the edge of the bed and caress her cheek. I feel like my heart has finally started beating now that Lillian is tucked in her bed peacefully. I lean to kiss her on her head.

“You love your sister, don’t you?” Jungkook asks standing beside me. I smile staring at Lillian’s face.

“She is the only one I have left with me. I love her more than anything else in the world.” I say and finally sigh standing up and facing Jungkook. “Thank you for sticking up with me tonight.” I smile and so do him.

“No problem. It’s not like you experience something exciting like this daily.” He chuckles making me laugh too.

“Thanks.” I say again and he pulls me in a comforting hug.

“Good night, see you tomorrow… doll.” He laughs when I roll my eyes. I wave him good bye when he steps out of the house. I laugh on my own while closing the door. Strangely he makes me laugh every time I see him.

“Eli you are not fighting in the ring.” Jackson shouts when I get fed up with the pain in the ass. I made a mistake of breaking the rule and give Jungkook a blow on his face. Jungkook groans in complain touching his cheek that got the blow just now. “You are here for martial arts, not street fighting.” Jackson continues to boss around and I roll my eyes.

“I think I made it clear that I hate being hit on the face.” Jungkook complains and I grin.

“I needed to relieve my frustration.” I say sassily and unexpectedly he hooks on my left leg with his right one and I fall hard on my ass.

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