14 The Musician

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I call Rose to ask if they are home already and she says Lillian has been talking to Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin all along happily. I hang up the call and drive straight to their house. As soon as I am about to turn the engine off in front of their gate, the guard opens the door for me to drive inside the property. Jisoo is the one to greet me on the door.

“Hey.” She says smiling brightly.

“Hi, sorry for the trouble.” I say apologetically and she shakes her head in denial leading me inside.

“Not at all, Rose likes to catch up with young girls a lot, and we had fun, so no trouble.” I laugh lightly.

“Where is Lilly, I can’t see her?” I ask looking around the giant living room. Unlike last time, the living room is entirely empty making it look even more spacious and elegant and giant.

“Oh, she is upstairs with Jungkook playing piano.” She cheerfully replies and I cannot help but be surprised. Jungkook? And this is now when I hear a faint sound of piano tiles ringing around the walls. “Come on I’ll take you up.”

“Why the house is so quiet?” I ask. This is kinda creepy to walk in a giant house with practically no one around.

“Everyone just come here in the night to sleep.” Jisoo laughs. “Either they stay locked up in their rooms, or stay inside the studio to make music for hours. The only time the house looks filled with crazy crack heads when it is dinner time or movie time.” I nod my head even though she can’t see me as she walks ahead of us. The music gets clearer now that we’re in second floor. Jisoo leads me to a giant steel double door and stops midway. “Oh, I forgot, I need to help Tae with his painting.” She makes a sour face. “You can go inside, I don’t wanna make him sulk.” She says cutely and laugh at her.

“Don’t worry, I will be fine.” After I assure her, she walks away and I stand there in front of the double door hearing the beautiful melody of piano tiles. Opening the left door, I poke my head in and the music gets louder. It is a studio, a big one where all kinds of musical instruments are kept. In the far corner of the room sits a white coloured piano where two figures sit; Jungkook and Lillian. Jungkook is playing the keys effortlessly beautifully with so much of concentration. Lillian is noting the movements of his fingers and I cannot help but admire how beautiful the sound is. Staring at Jungkook, his beauty only intensifies.

People say musicians are the most powerful people on earth. They play with emotions in a way you can never realise that you are trapped. They trap you in their music; the way how they play it is a trick to make you dance on their fingers according to their emotions. And when you will realise that you are trapped, it will be too late, and you can’t come out of it. A very wise man said, beware of musicians, they are powerful and they are dangerous. Yet the entire world dances on their fingers without hesitation.

Just like that, I didn’t realise when the music stops. The tiles are still replaying in my mind. It is when Jungkook’s black orbs stare at mine with emotions pooling in them I realise that the music has stopped. His emotions are so strong and in blur that I feel like I will lose my mind.

That wise man also said that a musician is most vulnerable when they are playing music.

“Eli.” My eyes snap towards the figure sitting next to Jungkook smiling brightly at me.

“Hey.” I walk further inside the room.

“Did you see how good Jungkook plays piano?” she asks jumping on her feet. If I don’t notice much, I can barely realise that Lillian’s voice is turning different. Her puberty is definitely starting to show up now I guess.

“Yeah.” When I look back at Jungkook, I see him smiling proudly at his work.

“He said he will teach me how to play from now on.” My eyes widen at her words.

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